The best thing about a photograph is that it never changes, even if the people in it do.

Mar 21, 2010 04:07

Just a quick movie review!

I saw Repo Men with my dad on Friday. IT WAS AWESOME.

Repo Men was a fantastic science fiction action/thriller. It had an extremely interesting story with many interesting characters.

Jude Law plays the main character, Remy, who is a Repo Man for an organization known as the Union. In the near future, organs are being created artificially and people are able to lease them from the Union. Those that are unable to pay are found by the repo men and the organ is taken back.

Remy loves his job and he is one of the best. Along with his friend Jake, they are the best in the business. Remy's wife Carol on the other hand, hates Remy's job. She wants him to take a job in sales, because she believes it is more stable. He agrees to do that so she wont leave and take their son, Peter with her. Jake doesn't want him to leave repo, but he tells Remy to go on one last job, before he gives it up.

This last job is where it all goes bad. Remy goes to take the heart of a favorite musician, who knows his time is up. Remy is knocked unconscious by the defibrillator backfiring. He wakes up in the hospital. His heart has been replaced with an artificial one. He is now in the system.

Because he took that last job, Carol leaves him. Remy goes to live with Jake, then realizes that he can’t do the job anymore. He can’t simply kill people, because he knows that one day, if he can’t make his payments, a repo man just like him, will come after him and leave him for dead like he did with so many others.

Jake starts to get angry with Remy because he wont do the job, he takes him to a nest, where a lot of people with overdue payments hideout. Once again, Remy doesn’t want to do the job. He gets knocked out by someone and later wakes up alone. He hears someone singing a song that he had heard in a bar and he goes to the woman singing it. He realizes that the singer from the bar is also on the run from the Union. He takes her to a hotel and helps her get over her drug withdrawal. He then swears to not only save himself, but to save her as well.

The two of them later become lovers. He tries to delete them both from the system, but he is caught by Jake. Soon his bill has come due. He goes on the run with Beth and they hide out in an abandoned hotel. She finds him an old typewriter and he begins to type his story.

They try to escape at the airport but are once again caught. After they go back to the hotel, Remy meets some of the other runaways. He then decides that he wants to try and save them all. He knows to do that they have to go to corporate and destroy the whole system.

Later that night there is a raid, more repo men come, Jake among them. He and Remy fight. Remy gets knocked out by a giant hook. When he comes to, he sees most of the runaways dead.

He and Beth, meet up with Carol and Peter on the subway. Remy gives Peter his manuscript and tells him to read it when he gets older. They then go to Remy’s old boss, Frank, and kidnap him, making him take them to the corporate building and the pink door where they can get out of the system for good.

Once they get through the door, after one of the COOLEST fight sequences, they realize they have to repo themselves to get out of the system. They cut into each other to get to the organs to scan them. This scene sorta rates as a sex scene in my book. It was very intimate. Beth has many artificial parts. Remy is looking for the last one as Jake and Frank enter the room. Jake kills Frank and then helps Remy destroy the system.

We learned a little earlier that it was Jake’s fault that Remy got a new heart; he had messed with the defibrillator, to force Remy to stay on the job. They make amends with each other and the next time we see them, they are on a beach.

Peter had Remy’s book published, it is called “The Repossession Mambo”. Remy is very happy with Jake and Beth. At one point Jake disappears. This is when we realize it is all an illusion.

When Remy was hit with the hook earlier, he didn’t come back from that. He was then hooked up to a new machine where people with brain damage can live in a dream like state for as long as you can make the payments. Jake had this done for Remy because he felt bad and just wanted Remy to be happy.

Repo Men was fantastic and I highly recommend it. The acting was great, the story was awesome, the effects were great. There were some parts overall that dragged a bit, but the twist at the end totally got me and I was really impressed.

The last fight scene is what really blew me away. They are in this hallway and Remy is just taking down all these suits, as Beth stands behind him handing him random weapons. I’m not normally super impressed with fight scenes, but that one was freaking awesome.

I give Repo Men a 9 on the Dork-o-Meter


movie reviews 2010

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