Movie Reviews!!

Jan 11, 2009 14:04

First let's catch up with 2008.

Starting with:

The Day the Earth Stood Still

If you enjoyed War of the Worlds, you'd enjoy this movie. Like all of the remakes of older sci-fi films, the earth is being attacked by an alien race and we of course deal with it in violent ways instead of actually talking out the problem.

I liked this movie. The acting was ok, Keanu Reeves plays a pretty good alien. It is a total Go Green movie.

I do recommend catching it in IMAX, but a true IMAX theater... we didn't really catch the parts that were supposed to be IMAX, but the effects and the story were really good.

I give The Day the Earth Stood Still a 7 on the Dork-o-Meter

Marley and Me

I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS MOVIE. I cried the last 20 minutes and a few times through out I got teary eyed. It IS A TEARJERKER!

The story was fantastic and the chemistry between Jennifer Aniston and Owen Wilson was so real. They truly felt like a married couple. They supported each other and got mad at each other and it was just fantastic.

The dog was so cute and he was at the center of the whole plot. John, the main character who is a real person *the book and movie are basically a memoir* wrote articles and columns about his crazy dog and those little stories are what helped him move along in his career.

If you are a dog lover, go into this with a box of tissues. The ending is really sad and sorta obvious in the way that all things must come to an end and usually you have to say goodbye to your furry friends too soon.

I give Marley and Me a 10 on the Dork-o-Meter

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

The only way to describe this movie is "EPIC"

The special effects were phenomenal and seamless. The costumes changed with the times.

Brad Pitt was AMAZING! SIMPLY AMAZING. The beginning was awesome. He was a little boy trapped in an old man's body. He watched those around him wither and die, as he grew young. He realized he couldn't be with the girl he loved because he looked so much older then her, until they met in the middle.

The two of them had many happy years together and it was a beautiful love story till the very end. He had left her and their daughter when their daughter was a year old. He said it wasn't fair for Daisy to have to raise both of them. He came back to her when he looked around 17 years old and O. M. G. It was creepy AWESOME!

At the end of the film, Benjamin is now a baby and Daisy, his love is there with him as an old woman. Cradling him until he closes his eyes for good.

It was bittersweet.

I give The Curious Case of Benjamin Button a TEN on the Dork-o-Meter

Yes Man

This was a good movie to end the year with. It was really funny and had a pretty good story to it. Jim Carrey was awesome as usual.

The beginning was pretty slow. It took a WHILE to pick up, but overall it was really really good.

I give Yes Man a 8 on the Dork-o-Meter

Okay ONTO 2009!! This will be a proper review and not a short and sweet one, specially since I have ALOT to say about this particular movie, "The Unborn"

Okay guys, When I first saw the trailer for this, I simply said, NO I AM NOT SEEING THAT! NO WAY!

I can sit through slasher movies, and some thrillers, but this film looked to have everything that scared me from the Grudge and MORE!

Well as you already figured out I put on my big girl pants and I went and saw it. It WAS TERRIFYING, BUT! It had an AMAZING ORIGINAL STORY!

This film is not based on anything. It was an original screenplay by the same guy that wrote Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. I was thoroughly impressed.

The film begins with a girl running. This is Casey Beldon our main character. She comes across a blue glove in the middle of the road and picks it up. When she stands she sees this creepy little boy standing a few feet away. he's wearing the other blue glove. He suddenly disappears and is replaced by a dog wearing a mask. The dog runs off into the woods and Casey follows it. Soon she comes across the mask and goes to lift it up and realizes it is attached to somethings. She digs through the earth to find a fetus buried in the sand. According to those I went to see the movie with, the fetus's eyes opened and they were a creepy blue *I had my face covered at that part* then Casey wakes up.

The next time we see her she is babysitting for people that live across the road from her. She is talking to her friend Romy about her Dream. We learn that Romy believes in many crazy things and is superstitious but in an intelligent way. She thinks all the folklore and ghost stories are interesting.

Soon Casey hears the older child she is sitting for in the baby's room. She hangs up with Romy and goes upstairs to check on them. The little boy is holding a mirror over the baby's crib, trying to get the baby to look into it. Casey asks him what he is doing and he turns hitting her in the eye with the mirror, he says, "Jumby wants to be born now"

Soon the parents of the kids come home and Casey leaves shaken up. That night she starts hearing a knocking coming from her bathroom mirror and she can't figure out what it is. The next day, we meet Romy in person, as well as Casey's boyfriend Mark *played by none other than Cam Gigandet, HELLO JAMES!* Casey tells them what happened with the kids the night before and Romy tells her that there is an old superstition about babies and mirrors, it says that if a baby sees it's reflection before it is a year old, it will die. Casey shakes it off and later that day, Romy notices something wrong with her eye. The color is changing. Casey goes to an eye doctor with Mark and some tests are done. When she leaves with Mark she starts seeing things, the little boy mostly.

That night when she is lying in bed with Mark, she hears the banging in the bathroom again. This part I had my eyes closed, so I from what I heard *lol* The boy showed up in the mirror and he looked FREAKY!

Mark comes running in wearing only his underwear *thank you director* and helps Casey take down her mirror.

The next day Casey gets her eye results back and nothing is wrong, but the doctor asks if she was a twin, cause her condition is usually seen in twins. She says she is an only child, but decides to question her father.

Let me add something I missed on, Casey's mother killed herself. She had severe depression and was in a mental institution where she had died. She had been admitted there after talking to some woman, who ended up being her birth mother. Okay moving on.

Casey's dad tells her that she was supposed to have a brother but he had died in the womb. Her cord had wrapped around his neck. Casey asked her father what his name was. He replied that neither of them had names at that point, but they had nicknames and her brother's was Jumby.

After this she goes and looks through her mother's things, she finds an article about a woman who had survived the holocaust as a child. Casey decides to go and meet this woman and she brings Romy with her. Sofi is living in a nursing home and is very nice and open to Casey, until Casey shows her a picture of her mother, a picture that has a ghost boy in the reflection. Sofi tells them both to get out and they leave.

Romy is freaked out and Casey admits to her that she has been seeing things and that she thinks something is after her.

That night Casey has another freaky dream, one where she is on the ceiling of her room, she watches herself asleep in the bed and the creepy little boy is in bed with her, he strokes her stomach and then rips it open. Casey wakes up to the sound of her phone ringing, it is Sofi. Sofi apologizes for how she acted and asks Casey to come to her now.

Casey goes and Sofi explains what is going on. Here is where things start to get interesting.

Sofi tells Casey that she is Casey's grandmother and that she had a twin brother named Barto. The two of them were in Auschwitz and were taken by the Nazi's because they were twins. They were experimented on and Barto was killed during one of the experiments. One where they were trying to change brown eye color to blue. A spirit/demon had taken over Barto's body after he died and he came back but Sofi knew it wasn't her brother, so she killed him. The little boy Casey keeps seeing is Barto inhabited by the demon. Sofi tells Casey to find a Rabbi named Sendak, to help her with an exorcism that is in the Book of Mirrors. She also tells her different ways to protect herself. She needs to break all of the mirrors in her house and break all the pieces. She also is told to hang wind chimes, because those signal when the spirit is near. Casey does all of these things and she goes and finds the Book of Mirrors and she takes it to Sendak to translate.

Later on, Mark, Romy and Casey go to a club just to relax and get her mind off everything.

She ends up seeing Barto there and goes into the bathroom where she is sick. When she is in there *once again my eyes were closed* There are these nasty bugs everywhere and she sees her mother, Mark and Romy run in and she realizes she had hallucinated it all. They take her home.

I'm not sure of the order of these evens but I'm going to list them here. Sofi is awakened by a noise and goes to see what it is, she sees a fellow resident named Eli who is paralyzed and in a wheelchair. That's all I can tell you from there, cause I basically nearly had a panic attack at this part. Apparently he gets all contortionisty and chases her and kills her.

Another part Sendak is translating the book and sees pictures, one is a old man with his limbs all twisted and another of a dog with an upside down head. The lights flicker *FRED'S HERE!* and he hears a noise. He goes into a big auditorium and sees the upside down head dog, he tells it to leave and it disappears.

Next Romy is talking to Casey through webcam, she's upset cause she had seen Sofi dead. Casey tells Romy that she needs to stay away from her cause she is dangerous. Romy tells her she isn't going anywhere.

Soon Romy's doorbell rings and she goes to answer it, even though Casey tells her not too. Casey sees Barto in the reflection of Romy's mirror. She calls Mark and the two of them rush to Romy's house.

Romy had answered her door, only to be stabbed in the stomach by *WAIT! I forgot something!!* REWIND

The creepy boy from the beginning, the one Casey was babysitting. The baby had DIED, just stopped breathing and the boy had just stared at Casey creepily through the window. Later on he was riding his tricycle and Romy had accidentally hit him with her car. When she went to see if he was okay, he was just standing there, staring at her. He tells her that if she keeps helping Casey that she will die.

Okay, back to where I was. Romy is stabbed by the creepy boy! She tries to get up the stairs and he just walks up them and I think he just keeps stabbing her *I had my eyes closed here too*

Casey and Mark get there, but it is too late Romy is dead and Mark is about to punch that little boy when they realize the spirit had moved from his body into Romy's *I dunno what happened here, I know she had a CREEPY CREEPY face, but she was making the Grudge noise so I proceeded to try and NOT have a panic attack*

After that Mark truly believes EVERYTHING and goes with Casey to meet Sendak, who had called on the help of a Christan Priest who knew something about Exorcisms. They agree to perform it the next night.

Casey tells them she wants to do it at the asylum where her mother had died. That's where they go and that's where the poo hits the fan guys.

They bring 8 other volunteers, one who is an EMT *very smart* and they secure Casey to a gurney *Mark didn't like this* and put something in her mouth so she wont bite her tongue. The ritual begins and they seem to make the spirit stronger, it kills all of the volunteers and knocks out Sendak. Then takes over the Priest's body! Mark gets Casey from the stretcher and grabs a translation of the ritual cause she knows they have to finish it. They run from the now possessed priest and hide. Mark fights him but then he becomes possessed. He tries to fight it and gives Casey enough time to get away. She runs but the possessed Mark follows her. Soon she comes to a dead end and Sendak appears, they perform the rest of the ritual and they succeed, but Mark is sent over a balcony to the floor belong. Casey is devastated. She goes to him and he asks if they got it and she says yes. He then asks her if he will fall forever, then he dies.

Earlier in the movie, Mark tells her that his worst fear was the world just stopping and everyone would just fall off and continue falling for eternity.

After this, Casey knows it is over, but then she starts piecing other things together. Why it began at that time, and a few other clues that were dropped during the film.

The spirit had come after her because she was pregnant, with twins and it wanted to be born again.

The movie ends there.

It was awesome. The more I think about it the more impressed I get. Yes I didn't sleep at all that night cause I kept seeing creepy boys with blue eyes in my dreams. But it was really good. The superstitions were REAL and just interesting. Another one that I forgot to mention was, putting a pair of opened scissors under your pillow while you sleep keeps evil spirits away.

If you like a good scare and enjoy good well written movies, go check this one out. The acting was amazing as well. Odette Yustman who played Casey was fantastic. She did an outstanding job.

I give The Unborn a 9 on the Dork-o-Meter

Wow... That review is 2014 words. lol It's mostly a summary with my reactions and opinions thrown in. *iz a dork*

Well I need to get some shut eye before work!


movie reviews 2009, movie reviews 2008

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