Yeah. Um... I had an adrenaline rush. It's very common. You can Google it.

Nov 22, 2008 20:55

Dude! Wesley AND Lando are on Private Practice. lol *giggles to self*

Soo! This video is going to be in TWO parts.




So guys! Biggest movie of the year... right? Is that what they are calling it?

Well, it was pretty darn good! Not the best movie of the year... that still falls on "Ten Inch Hero" but anyways... onto the review!

The movie begins with the open words of the prologue. The visual we have is a lone deer being chased by a predator in the woods. The deer gets caught by the predator and then we see the title.

We move on to learning about the life our main character is moving away from. Bella Swann lived with her mother in Phoenix and after she remarried, Bella decided to move to Forks, Washington to live with her father Charlie. While starting her new life in Forks, Bella becomes extremely interested in her biology partner Edward Cullen, who had looked repulsed at the sight of her when she first walked into class. After that first day, Bella didn't see him for days, then one day he appeared and seemed to be a completely different person. They talk and become friends. One very icy day, Bella is nearly crushed by a van, Edward saves her by pushing the van away with his bare hand. After this he tells her that they shouldn't be friends and that he was dangerous. She doesn't want that.

Soon she starts investigating what she thinks he might be and soon figures it out with some help from a friend named Jacob. Edward is a Vampire. She confronts him about it and he tries to scare her away. Once again she refuses to let him leave her.

Edward and Bella soon go public as a couple, Edward introduces Bella to his family and Bella formally introduces Edward to her father.

The action begins when the Cullen's take Bella to play baseball with them. During the game they are interrupted by three nomad vampires showing up, Victoria, James and Laurent. James catches Bella's scent and makes her his next target. Edward and his family then begin to do whatever it takes to keep her safe.

James soon lures Bella away from safety making her believe that he has her mother. Edward comes to rescue her, but James had already bitten her. Edward has to suck the venom out of her wound and then will himself not to kill her. He is able to do this.

After Bella wakes up in the hospital, she tells Edward that she is staying with him no matter what.

Edward then takes Bella to prom and it was cute. There was a moment between Jacob and Edward that foreshadows their rivalry from the next books.

When it comes to book-movie adaptations this was spot on!

They captured all the main moments. The chemistry between Bella and Edward was perfect, it was awkward, but perfect.

The Cullen's weren't in the movie as much as they were in the book, but they still made an impression. :)

The climax was exciting and very much like I imagined. Alice breaking James' neck? OMG! awesome.

The score was beautiful, Bella's Lullaby was amazing! Robert Pattison playing piano *dies*

This movie was great, it was extremely enjoyable and I can't wait to see it again.

There is tons more to say, but I'm not sure what else to add, it's just awesome!

I give Twilight a 10 on the Dork-o-Meter


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Angsty Bromance, Spoilers up to 4.10.
Song: Permanent by David Cook


I'm going to bed,

music videos, movie reviews 2008, supernatural, twilight

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