I meant what I said, and I said what I meant, an elephant's reliable one hundred percent.

Mar 19, 2008 01:07

So I went out to dinner with my dad and afterwards we saw Horton Hears a Who :)

Before my review I have something to share with you all. So usually before a movie you see a FEW trailers that look good... with this movie, I want to see EVERYTHING.

Nim's Island
Kung-Fu Panda


image Click to view

3 Reasons for seeing Speed Racer:
1. It looks freaking AWESOME
2. Did you see WHOSE PLAYING YOUNG SPEED?? *does happy dance*
3. Cool Beans

If you don't want to be spoiled for Horton, here's a mini review:


Okay, If I ever read this book it was AGES ago, so I totally went into this not knowing the story, but knowing it was based on Dr.Seuss, I already knew it was gonna be made of awesome. Add Jim Carrey and Steve Carell as the two main voice actors... MORE AWESOME.

Horton Hears a Who is a story about an Elephant named Horton who hears someone very small calling for help on a speck. He saves the speck with a clover and soon learns that the speck is actually a world called Whoville. He makes contact with the Mayor of Whoville and together they must make everyone in their own worlds believe that the other one's world exists.

In Horton's World of Nool, the Kangaroo is the authority and EVERYTHING she says is right. When Horton comes and starts telling everyone, especially the children about his world in the speck. She sets out to put a stop to it once and for all.

In Whoville, the Mayor, is trying his hardest to get the people of Whoville as well as the city counsel to believe that not everything in Whoville is going good, that bad things are happening.

The Mayor asks Horton to find them a safe place, before their world is destroyed. Horton vows to do this even though everyone in his community has turned on him.

The Kangaroo sets Vlad an evil hawk to find Horton and to destroy the speck. Vlad attempts this, but Horton succeeds in the end and continues his journey. Only to be stopped once again by those that were once his friends. They tie him up and try putting him in a cage. The Whos who now believe in Horton after hearing his voice, all gather together and try their hardest to be as loud as they can. Things look grim, but the Mayor's only son Jojo is there to save the day.

Soon all the animals in Nool can hear the Whos and they apologize for not believing Norton. He of course forgives them all and before he goes to put the Whos in their new home, they all sing, "Can't fight this Feeling" and the movie ends.

OMG, this movie was so incredibly adorable and funny. Jojo was a total EMO Who and he was played by Jesse McCartney that amused me to no end.

Jim Carrey + Dr.Seuss = Awesome

Horton at the beginning we learn is a teacher, he takes some of the kids out and teaches them about nature, one of these kids is named Katie... she is probably the cutest yet weirdest of them all. You'll have to see the movie to know what I'm talking about.

Dr.Seuss was always great for telling stories with great lessons in them. This is a GREAT story. It's about, NOT criticizing people for their beliefs and to stay away from the perspective of "If I can't see it, hear it or feel it, it doesn't exist" and to believe that "A person is a person no matter how small"

There are also other lessons such as the lesson Jojo teaches The Mayor about how Jojo is an individual who doesn't want to follow exactly in his father's footsteps.

Horton Hears a Who is an amazing movie for EVERYONE, it's a movie for kids and adults alike :)

There is also some classic Dr.Seuss animation in with the 3D and some anime type animation, it's pretty cool.

I give Horton Hears a Who a 10 on the Dork-o-Meter!

Okay I'm done :) I should have went to bed a while ago, but I really wanted to write that out :)


movie reviews 2008, fandom

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