Uh Rob... I think the store's closed man... Rob?

Jan 20, 2008 23:08

So all of you know my issue with the girl from the Grudge right? Yeah, I know that damn movie came out like 4 years ago, but I still have freaking nightmares and yeah...

I was upstairs showing my dad some Cloverfield stuff on my laptop and he was flipping through the movie channels and The Grudge 2 was on and well, he goes "Laura Look! Look!" I didn't know what was on the TV so I did, you know me thinking it was like Justin Long or someone and there she is in all her scaryiness.

My Reaction: "DADDY!!!!" Tears come to my eyes immediately I shove my face in his shoulder and demand him to turn it off.

His Reaction: He Giggles, then exclaims: "Perfect timing!!"

I glare and go that wasn't funny and then he goes on a tangent about how I shouldn't be scared of it anymore cause I met her at Kings Dominion and got my picture taken.

Anyways *gotta stop thinking about that... gotta stop thinking about that!!*

Okay on to what I actually wanted to post, My Cloverfield Review.

If you don't want to be spoiled, lemme give you a quick warning:

If you have issues with Motion Sickness, hold off on this movie until DVD, I had a headache and felt sick for a majority of the movie.

Also make sure you wait until the end of the credits, I didn't wait and I missed out on an audio clip or something like that.

On to the Review:

Cloverfield... the movie everyone apparently has been waiting for.

I went into this movie with little knowledge of what exactly was going on, I knew it was a monster movie sorta like Godzilla and I was also told by two sources that it wasn't a great movie.

The movie begins with a guy named Jason video taping New York city in the early morning,outside his window. Everything was normal. He then goes and wakes up his girlfriend Lily. We learn that the two of them are planning a surprise going away party for Jason's brother Rob, who is going to Japan for his job.

The whole movie is filmed with a camcorder, in the beginning Jason is filming, but soon he hands the camera off to Hud, Rob's best friend.

He is supposed to be getting the party guests to say their goodbyes to Rob on camera. He on the other hand is more interested in getting one of Lily's friends, Marlena, to talk to him.

Soon Rob shows up and there is a big surprise and he is all happy that all of his friends are there. Soon Beth, Rob's best friend from college shows up, she's with another guy. This starts a small wave of gossip caused by Hud, after he learned from Lily that Rob and Beth had slept together and Rob never called her afterwards.

Anyways, while Hub and Jason are talking to Rob about Beth, after the two of them get into an argument and Beth leaves. Something attacks the city.

Many of the party guests flee to the roof to find out what is going on, when flaming debris begins falling, they all run down and out to the street, where they witness the head of the statue of Liberty fall from the sky.

They run into a convenience store and think they are safe. Soon they walk out and they realize that Marlena was outside when the monster passed, she is very freaked out and declares that it was eating people.

They try to escape by going over the Brooklyn Bridge, Rob gets a phone call from Beth, she apparently was hurt and in danger. He immediately wants to go back into the city and save her, His friends think otherwise and while they are arguing with him, the monster attacked the bridge and they loose Rob's brother Jason. They flee back into the city and end up in the subway tunnels trying to figure out how to get to Beth's apartment.

While in the Subway, Rob gets a call from his mother and he has to break the news to her that Jason was dead. This was so sad... and you could feel how upset Rob was from his reaction of her calling to him telling her the news.

After a while, they decide to travel through the tunnels to the station right by Beth's apartment. They think they will be safe underground. But they are not.

Apparently there are little parasitic type monsters ATTACHED to the big monster and they were falling off and attacking people. Well they made it to the tunnels and they begin to attack our four characters.

Marlena ends up getting bitten really bad but they all get away. Soon they find themselves inside a mall, here the military has put up a home base with an infirmary and such. While there, Marlena starts bleeding from her eyes. The medics freak and yell "We have a bite!" and they drag her away into a quarantine tent, we quickly see her struggling then burst, blood was everywhere. The three remaining characters are whisked away and told to meet a helicopter at 6am that would evacuate them from the city. They leave and continue on their quest to find Beth. They get to her apartment and lets just say, it had fallen over and was leaning on the apartment next to it. They climb the stairs in the building that was still standing and cross over onto the roof of Beth's building.

They find her and she had been impaled by fallen debris through her shoulder. They pull her off the piece of metal, then quickly leave the building the same way they came.

They get to the evacuation point just in time. Lily is taken up in the first helicopter and we never see her again. Hud, Beth and Rob get on the next one and they think they are safe... until the monster whacks them out of its way. They land in central park and you think it is over. But not quite. Hud, Beth and Rob escape and are running from the monster, it EATS Hud, who still has the camera and then spits him out, he is dead. Rob now grabs the camera and he and Beth run until they are hiding underneath a bridge. There they say their last goodbyes to the camera, as the alarms sound. The Military is bombing the city. The bridge falls down around them and the camera cuts to another clip from the tape, which was filmed a month before of Beth and Rob at Coney island. Apparently at this point you see something fall from the sky and land in the water behind the couple. I didn't notice anything when I saw the movie, but it is there.

Then the movie ends.

The beginning takes a while to get into, it's a bunch of normal people, doing normal things, but once the action starts, YOU FEEL LIKE YOU ARE RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF IT! The way this movie was shot was amazing.

Yes it was quite shaky and yes I did feel sick, but the whole time you felt like you were with Rob and his friends, you felt their fear and you felt the chaos surrounding them.

It was an interesting movie experience.

I give Cloverfield a 7 on the Dork-o-Meter

Okay I'm gonna write with Katy and finish watching Live Free or Die Hard


movie reviews 2008

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