The word "love" was invented because "Alex Carpenter" was too long.

Aug 12, 2007 22:17


YESTERDAY... well Yesterday morning and afternoon WROCKED!!!

Well some of you might be wondering why I put a W in front of ROCKED lol, well this is why!


It featured The Remus Lupins, The Whomping Willows and Snidget at Patrick Henry Library in Vienna.

I got there really early and I was sitting near the information desk reading Deathly Hallows when I saw Alex *Remus Lupins* and Matt *Whomping Willows* come in, I was like OMGYAY! and yeah.

The show started at Two with Snidget AKA Grace, a fellow Virginian, and she rocked!

Next was The Whomping Willows, He had some audio problems at first, the amps weren't working to well and he broke a string, but he still ROCKED Wizard Rock Heartthrob which is the BEST song ever :P

Then came Alex Carpenter and his band came up and totally rocked out! It was awesome, we were screaming and dancing and jumping up and down and it was just amazing *dances* He played alot of his new stuff, but he also played older stuff like "Loosen your tie" which made me want to swing my tie above my head while jumping up and down, but I refrained from doing so lol

Most of the people there were younger, high school age, but still it was freaking AWESOME! They were all so nice, here are my pictures I took heehee.

This is a sign that was posted all around the doors to the library, it says Wizard Rock Wizard Rock Wizard Rock Wizard Rock Please wait OUTSIDE THANKS!
Alex thought it was really funny lol

This is a white board that was in the Meeting Room where the show took place, it says WIZARD ROCK FORVER! and the exclamation point is a lightening bolt heehee

Here is Matt AKA Whompy, with his first guitar, the string broke on this one, but someone fixed it for him mid show, so he used it for his last few songs

Here's Whompy again with his second guitar, isn't the lightening bold shoulder strap MADE OF AWESOME?? :P

HERE ARE THE REMUS LUPINS! The bass player and the drummer are new additions, it was always just Alex, who is in the center

Here is Alex and the Drummer, who also rocked out on the Sax, during Remember Cedric Diggory *AWESOME SONG!*

Here is Snidget rocking out on her hammered dulcimer, I'm not exactly sure what it was, but it was a string instrument.

This is the Drummer of the Remus Lupins, he as I said earlier also played the Sax *as you can see* During Remember Cedric Diggory, he was REALLY nice, I talked to him after the show and I mean, look at his outfit! AWESOME!

Alex is so awesomely awesome

Alex and the bass player *I feel bad that I don't know their names *goes to myspace and looks them up* Ah! Drums is Toby and Bass is Tyler. Here is Alex rocking it out with Tyler :P

This is the Hogwarts banner that Alex has up at ALL of his shows :)

Here is Toby and Brandon, Brandon is the group's tech guy, also known as the HOMEBOY lol


Toby sighed the inside of my CD Art :)


ME AND REMUS... I mean ALEX *giggles*

and here is a picture of me and Becca after seeing HP5, it was my fourth time seeing it and Becca's first :) yes... we dressed up cause we're cool like that.

I know a long post sorry! lol BUT I HAD A BLAST and I so can't wait to see them again! I dunno when that might be though, they were in Richmond last night and when they went to their Van in the morning, someone had thrown a rock through the front window and stolen their i-pods and their cash-box with ALL of the money had from the tour, which basically was their gas and food money, which they got from selling t-shirts and cds, I REALLY REALLY would love it if anyone of you would buy The Remus Lupins CDs, they are really good and only like ten or twelve bucks, these are normal people like us and it sucks that this happened to them.

Well I'm off!

wizard rock

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