Jun 22, 2017 16:25
(Now it is my [Dawn's] turn to offer apologies ... I posted the challenge last night completely forgetting that July's challenge is the FLF challenge! And I had online professional development for work last night, so I did not get to repost it last night. My apologies! This is the correct challenge.)
The July Challenge will have the theme "Picnic." Stories should involve an outdoor gathering or celebration of some sort. The element will be a number between 101 and 400. Interested authors can reply to this announcement and claim a number. No one will be allowed to have a number previously claimed. Whatever number is chosen will be the word count for your ficlet-- if you choose 237 your story must have exactly 237 words!
The July challenge stories will be due Friday, July 14th and will be revealed on Monday, July 16th. Please tag your story "challenge: picnic" and "month: 2017 july." Please remember to use the following header template (also found on the community profile page), and to put the name of your story and your name in the subject line.
Author's Notes:
Word Count:
You have only to comment with your number here, that will be your element; do not choose a number someone else has selected. You will not need to wait for a prompt.
I hope we'll have lots of participants for our July challenge!
challenge: picnic,
announcement: challenge,
month: 2017 july,
annual challenge: fixed-length ficlet,