"In Praise of the Feast at Ivrin", by Himring

Apr 16, 2017 14:31

Author: Himring
Title: In Praise of the Feast at Ivrin
Rating: G
Theme: Ode to Arda
Elements: mist/kissed
Author's Notes: This is a poem in praise of a canonical event of the First Age. I've dropped the requirement of regular metre entirely, I'm afraid, but I have tried to retain the three-part structure that classical odes often have. Also, as Tolkien says of Nienna, my song of praise turned to lamentation before its end...
Summary: Of the Feast of Reuniting at the pools of Ivrin it is said that the joy of that feast was long remembered in later days of sorrow.
Word Count: c.190

That was a great feast!
Everyone came: from the mist-kissed north
the High King himself,
from the thundering Sea came the Mariner,
the Hunters from the green wood.
From the uplands and the plains we came,
from the valleys and the moors.
Oh, but it pains my heart to know
that we shall meet no more on the banks of Ivrin.

Cousins greeted each other and strangers.
Gifts were exchanged, customs explained,
each word not understood found a translator.
Bounty of the High King: there was no such thing
as an empty cup, no empty hand or platter.
How the wine flowed and the laughter!
The shared laughter of my people blended with music--
like the sunlight on the waters of the pools at Ivrin.
Oh, but it pains my heart to say
that we shall meet no more on the banks of Ivrin.

We parted in friendship, each to his own land returning.
None among us who did not look back at least twice,
none who did not wish to retrace his steps...
Oh, but it pains my heart tonight
that we shall meet no more on the banks of Ivrin.

annual challenge: poetry, month: 2017 april, april, 2017

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