A Light from the Shadows by Shirebound

Nov 22, 2015 17:14

Author: Shirebound
Title: A Light from the Shadows
Rating: G
Theme: Nostalgia
Elements: “Remembrance”
Author's Notes: It’s likely that the journey back to Rivendell from Gondor taken by the hobbits, Elves, and Gandalf passed through the area where the northern Dúnedain made their homes.
Summary: Even as Aragorn's new life begins in the south, the north is never far from his thoughts... or his heart.
Word Count: 300

After a few years Gilraen took leave of Elrond and returned to her own people in Eriador, and lived alone; and she seldom saw her son again, for he spent many years in far countries.

The Return of the King, Appendix A

Haliandor, highest ranking of the Dúnedain who had ridden north from Gondor with the hobbits, contemplated the two simple stones set side by side in the shade of a grove of ancient trees on the outskirts of the village. After discussing his plan with the elders, many of whom were his kin, the stones were removed and set apart, and a single, larger one was brought to replace them. He then set to work, ensuring that every meticulous stroke of his hammer and chisel was worthy of this revered ground. This commission had been given him by the King because of his gift for carving, and he would not fail. As he worked, children brought him food and drink sent by their parents, and the hobbits spent time with him, talking quietly and admiring the craft of their friend.

At last he was done, and the word spread that everyone should assemble in the grove. When the people saw the completed memorial they gave cries of gladness, and the women stepped forward to lay armfuls of flowers and fragrant boughs before it. Pippin quickly joined the King’s knights where they stood to one side; they drew their swords as one, and held them aloft. As Elrond began to sing, villagers filed past the proud new stone, each touching it gently or murmuring soft words, weeping with joy as old griefs were healed and a new Age kindled in their hearts.

Into the polished and shining monument were embedded seven clear, faceted gems that blazed in the late-afternoon sun. Below them was an inscription carved in both Westron and Elvish.

Here lie Arathorn son of Arador and Gilraen daughter of Dírhael
remembered and honored by the peoples of Middle-earth
as givers of Hope
Commissioned by King Elessar Telcontar
their loving son

challenge: nostalgia, month: 2015 november

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