Author: Dreamflower
Title: Fellowship Clerihews
Rating: G
Theme: Poetry
Elements: "And he yearned for the mirth of the populous earth." (The Adventures of Tom Bombadil "The Man in the Moon Came Down Too Soon") Just because I wanted to write something funny.
Author's Notes: These poems are a specific type of humorous verse-- Clerihew: A humorous format contained in a single quatrain and composed of two rhyming couplets. The rhyme scheme is a-b-a-b with lines of uneven length. Clerihews are usually written as pseudo-biographical pieces about a famous personage. The name of the subject ends the first, or occasionally the second line and the humor is light and whimsical instead of satirical. Edmund Clerihew Bentley (1875-1956) created the format to avoid boredom in school.
Inkspot.comSummary: A collection of nine short humorous verses about the members of the Fellowship of the Ring.
Word Count: 208
Fellowship Clerihews
Frodo Baggins of Bag End
inherited a pretty little Ring.
He went off on a trip with his best friends
to get rid of that pesky little thing.
They called him Gandalf the Grey,
for his clothes were not all that bright;
but after the Balrog he went away,
and then came back all dressed in white!
There was a gardener whose name was Sam;
he stuck to his boss like glue.
He was handy with a frying pan,
and pretty good at exterminating large arachnids, too!
Meriadoc Brandybuck
had a little sword.
The Witch-King of Angmar ran plumb out of luck
when with it Merry scored.
Bold young Peregrin Took
was a hobbit most curious;
when he just had to take a look,
he made everyone else quite understandably furious.
Aragorn, Estel, Longshanks, Strider, Thorongil,
and Wingfoot, Elessar Telcontar, too;
he collected names willy-nill,
which is why he had quite a few.
Good old Boromir, son of Denethor,
lost his way and lost his horse.
But he finally found the Imladris he was looking for,
of course.
Gimli the Dwarf
is sharpening his ax,
the better to take Orc heads orf
with a minimum of whacks!
Legolas Thranduilion
sits in a tree,
avoiding a million
ladies chasing after he.