Author: Wormwood
Title: Story and Time
Rating: G
Theme: Summertime Blues
Elements: 320
Author's Notes: This was inspired by a Tolkien quote:
What fate awaits him [the elf] beyond the confines of this world, we cannot know. It is likely that the elf does not know himself. It is possible that nothing awaits him, outside of the World and the cycle of Story and Time.
Summary: Boromir meets an Avari elf. The word count proved a little on the small side for the story I wanted to tell. Hopefully you'll manage to read some of it between the lines.
Word Count: 320
Story and Time
It takes a while to get accustomed to be borne along by the rush of seconds, and it gets harder as he leaves the edge of the sea.
He bade farewell to the mussel pickers and they looked searchingly at him as he did so. Perhaps they sensed the loneliness of the weather-beaten man in front of them. A man discarded by time and pulled back in again.
Boromir doesn't notice the elf before he stands right beside him. The eyes that meet his are like spheres filled with green liquid. Boromir uncurls his fingers as he decides once more to trust the kindness of strangers.
"May I sit with you?" the elf asks. Boromir can only nod in response.
At first he sits withdrawn into his tightly wound cloak, but the elf ignores his unease. And as he leans back beside him against the tree, Boromir begins to relax.
Afterwards he can never remember other than brief snatches of the conversation that followed, in front of the fire they lit when darkness painted the emerald forest deep indigo.
You seem different from...
Perhaps. We'll never leave, unlike them. And we keep to ourselves and fight no wars. You could say we're less human...
The elf laughs a river-rush, wind-through-the trees-laugh, and fixes his shimmering liquid-green eyes on Boromir.
Like dragonfly wings....
Are you immortal?
We fade eventually and leave only our voices behind. We belong here, inside the cycle of story and time. Like you...
Small structures loom out of the darkness and large structures dwindle. Boromir shivers - unsure if he or the world will stay or run.
Will you stay with me until morning?
...I'll stay.
What is my story?
Boromir closes his eyes.
Once there was a City. Inside the City was a blue fountain. Inside the fountain was a dead tree.
By the tree is a king, cupping a white flower.
Boromir sleeps.