Summertime Blues Entry

Jul 03, 2011 20:16

Author: Erulisse
Title: His Baby Blues
Rating: G
Theme: July: Summertime Blues
Elements: Fixed Length Ficlet - 287 words
Beta: The incomparable Lizard Council
Author’s Notes: Part of my Helyanwë-cycle
Summary: The day after an unexpected event, Eilian (Helyanwë) reflects back over the event and her reaction
Word Count: 287

Disclaimer: Tolkien built the sandbox, I only play with the bucket and shovel that he left for me. No money, profit or non, is made from the publication of this story.

His Baby Blues

Eilian* awoke with the dawn, taking a deep breath of the clean mountain air and listening to the birds chasing each other through her courtyard towards the central fountain. She brought her arms up around her body and hugged herself, shivering with delight, a smile on her face. ‘He kissed me,’ she thought joyfully. ‘After all these long years, he kissed me as a lover would!’

Casting off her blanket she went to her wardrobe, choosing a blue garment for the day’s work. Then, checking the larder she realized the shelves were bare. She had brought her available food to the prior day’s picnic lunch but none had been returned. ‘Time to go to the market,’ she thought, grabbing her basket, absently noting its blue and white pattern.

Walking out of her courtyard towards the southern market, she noticed a pair of blue jays squabbling over a bit of food on the pinnacle of the nearby wall. ‘Almost as blue as his eyes,’ the thought came, followed almost immediately by the memory of her drowning in those blue eyes the previous day.

She shook herself. ‘Focus. No daydreaming. You can’t be working with flame, hammer and tongs if your thoughts are living in yesterday’s actions and his sapphire blue eyes.’

But her attention was caught by the blue ribbons worn by the baker’s daughter, the blue flowers in the hanging basket near the cobbler’s doorway, and the blue lake holding the irrigation waters near the southern vineyards that she glimpsed from the crenellations in the outer shield wall.

That night as she went to sleep, allowing herself to once more recall that kiss by the waterfall, she admitted to herself…she was totally smitten with her best friend.

A/N *Eilian is the Sindarin for the Quenya name Helyanwë

july, challenge: summertime blues, 2011, month: 2011 july

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