Nov 08, 2004 07:07
Whew! with all the majesty, fanfare and hoopla of a 4-H club pumpkin carving contest the lotionboy returns to his LJ! To the 2 or 3 of you who read my ramblings lemme say I am sorry i have not updated in quite some time...i really can't say that i have been busy or anything...i just haven't had the strength to set fingers to keyboard...i guess the prozac just doesn't do it for me any more (actually i am not on prozac...i heard that prozac caused "certain sexual side effects" and i asked what sort of side effects and the guy told me that it made you not want to have me i don't need a pill to keep me from having sex...nature has blessed me with a face that ensures that no woman in her right mind will want to hop in the bed with me.....) i did go to a therapist once...she told me to struggle to be average...that way i won't get all upset when everything goes to hell...that's sage advice i tell you, sage advice...not unlike the FINAL THOUGHTS segment of each Jerry Springer or the REALITY CHECK at the end of the power rangers...two shows that are alike in many ways, if you think about it...i mighta used that anaolgy before, i dunno...everything begins to meld together after a while....
a few lines ago i said that no woamn in her right mind would want anything to do with the likes of me...that might not be entirely could be that i take sane decent women and drive them crazy (or to lesbianism, which actually happened once back in 1989). however the point is...well i dunno what the point is....luckily in the past week i have managed to run into the two women that devastated me emotionally...i won't say their names but i will offer of them shares the name of a girl in an ALL song...."she carries my confusion in the pocket of her jeans...i go bouncing like a pinball in between extremes..." (some of you younger readers might not remember ALL....) i saw the other one at the John Edwards rally...all well...
RANDOM LYRIC IN MY HEAD: All dry and english slow.....