Aug 01, 2011 09:33
Yeah so this week I am starting to focus on getting back to hitting the pavement for jobs seeing we are back to square one financially. Royally fucked. So I need to put aside my insanity and get back to work.Or try. if anyone will take me. Its so depressing job hunting these days since they are hard to find now. especially what I do. cosmetic retail I guess they call it.
I wish I can find another way.Another way to make money without being illegal or hurting someone but alas the only thing I see is retail.Need to update my pathedic resume' and head out tommorrow. Which is Bobbys birthday. Dan is staying home so I can go around dropping off resumes and filling out applications. I just wish there was a better way. I mean don't get me wrong;I want to work and have time to myself away from the brood but I know I will absolutely eghausted. Ah well...its the price you pay I suppose.