Oct 10, 2007 15:34
Trials and tribulations are a curious thing, but reflection possibly more so.
I was going to write about how odd it seems that one day I'm learning spiritually and everything is just great and I'm praising God... and the next minute everything seems bleak and dreary.
Just as I was about to do that however, God taught me something...
Monday or so God had showed me how he so amazingly weaves events in our lives to shape us, but not just us; everyone around us as well. Then last night/today it seems that how I was thinking circumstances might work out or end up seemed to radically change. Just out of the clear blue sky something else popped up and changed everything. And so I've spent the better part of today moping about it and trying to figure it out and then... it just hit me.
God taught me the other day about HIS planning and how it all works out for our good and His glory. And He's been teaching me on trust for a while. Well... This is all just an example of it.
He taught me a lesson and now He is instantaneously testing me about it and seeing how it will all work out.
I'm laughing at myself for despairing for even a minute.
God is good.