Writer's Block: Interspecies Communication

Aug 24, 2009 08:22

Up until a few years ago, I was a cat owner (I still have visitation rights to my kitty at my parents' house). They are quite condescending creatures with god complexes and really sharp claws, so you really have to have thick skin both physically and emotionally to be a cat owner.

Our hamster, Mr. Snuggles, has the emotional maturity of a carrot so he isn't really up to a cat's level of condescension. However, he does appear to have a monkey's need to fling his feces. I swear I'm tired as hell of finding hamster poop surrounding the hamster cage. Given how much there is, I think Mr. Snuggles thinks that it's a decorative design element and he's doing some exterior decorating. It doesn't hurt my feelings so much as offend my design tastes.

writer's block

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