Jun 28, 2003 10:21
To start where I was before, no one knew me or my story, and now I've been on this never-ending rollarcoaster that has finally stopped and disassembled itself and now the conductor is happy it won't run anymore. To anyone this could be misconstrued as a ending to the final process of the emotional rollar coaster, but it is not. The point is: Richard and I had a final breakdown, alked it all out, found out the virus in our relationship, decided to continue and erradicate the virus and now we're happy. This is good to be happy, but my parents, I wish they weren't involved, are now all defemse as as result of the rollar coaster. Spending time with him yesterday was like nothing before. IT was pure happiness. No stress all happy. We decided to take it back to square one and begin again. Now the future looks briughter and we don't even have to assk if we are both happy. ahhh such a relief. I'm beginning to have feelings that I should move out. But this is an impossibility. I have no where to go and no I refuse to live in the dorms, they are gross. So i need to find a way to balance and deal with my mothers insults and just be ok. The next thing i have to convince her of is just to let him come w/ us on vacation. I have 1 week to accomplish this seemingly impossible task. Even though I have this split-secodn feelings of what if it happens again? I know its all ok in realtity.
I spent 2 days at freshamn preview and I actually had a really good time. I went w. Jen and we met these other girls who we'll be playing w/. when we're there next year. we had to stay in the dorms and we hung out in their room real late and there we're guys out the window we we're talking to and we flashed them!!! It was crazy we couldn't stop laughing the whole night. then we had to get up at 6 and eat by 8 and then walk all the way back to where the thing was, I hated the dorms they were so gross. The program was good b/c it was all the stuff you needed to know and at the same time a lot of slack time so I was able to talk to Richard while he was at work on the cell. That's how I know we're cool he ahs new interest in me, not that he lost interest (iaskedhim already) just that things seem fresh and new) all happy now. i know now we can totally work all things out. relief has finally come