Lothiriel returns to Faramir's house with Eomer after Boromir's funeral. They've brought everything back from Rohan with them, in an attempt to leave their bad memories in Edoras. Things are much calmer now that Denethor has gone again. Even though Lothiriel's heart aches for her uncle's loss, she worries more about her husband's reaction to them
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Nights were long in Middle-Earth. Longer than he had remembered, for the minds of Men are ill-suited for recalling hardship; and though he knew what he had felt on those long nights when he would go searching for his lost Eilinel, he had forgotten how each moment could stretch into an hour, each hour into a lifetime. And even then, when it seemed there could be no blacker darkness than that which dwelt in his heart, he had clung to something... a hope, a prayer, the simple familiarity of the forest surrounding his home.
Now there was nothing. A stranger to this strange land, he glimpses the light and moves hesitantly towards it. Perhaps whoever dwelt within would not mind if one of the many lost souls in Middle-Earth hovered nearby to share the glow of Home, a thing unknown to him for time beyond reckoning.
Quietly, he crouches at the edge of the trees near the house, just close enough to feel the light upon his cold hands for the first time in centuries...
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