I may be checking myself into hospital for insanity in the near future. My course load this term is going to kick my arse, seriously. I'm no longer taking Rhetoric, but Linguistics at 8 a.m. so that makes 8 a.m. classes all week long. I should really stop swearing I'll never do things again because I swore I'd never take another 8 a.m. class, and now I taking two (I did that with my first Carney class and I ended up having another one...I never learn, do I?). Linguistics is lots of fun, though. It's kind of like learning how to write phonetically and learning the construction and history of the language at its most basic level. Then there's Adv. Comp where we learn th construction and history of the language on the level of the sentence as employed by the essay and how to master grammar. Which is totally cool. I'm getting all hot and bothered just thinking about how amazing these classes are. :D Energy Alternatives should be interesting just because Bob Therkelsen (the prof...isn't his name great?) is pretty laidback and knows his stuff. And there's no math. Just hippie 'Save-the-world!' stuff. Hee! And poetry...OMG. I am totally in love with Lawson Inada. He's this insane old Asian man who speaks with probably the worst grammar and most outrageous hillbilly accent I've ever heard. He gets really, really excited about poetry, and he's always saying, "Yeah, that's cool! There's a poem in that, man!" and then laughing his head off at something. A very merry sort of fellow. I didn't even realize we had been in the class for 2 hours and ten minutes when we were suddenly leaving. Also, he's thinking about changing the class to one evening a night and moving our class to another location "preferably a bar" in his words. :) What a great prof. If I can just survive the hours and the reading, life should be grand.
Speaking of grand, spring time anybody? It was 70 degrees in Ashland yesterday afternoon! The sun is out this morning, and everything just smells green and alive. It makes me happy.
And now on to my great discovery...which isn't really mine, as I followed a link by
carborundum again. The link he gave was to
Indie Tits, which I thought was pretty amusing, but then I found a link to the artist journal which took me to
Questionable Content, which is another webcomic, and I was so intrigued and amused, I read the entirity of the archives, all 594 strips. Really, it's brilliant. I was laughing so hard sometimes, I thought my neighbors must wonder what I was smoking. Anyway, my icon comes from there. He's a tiny destructive robot named Pintsize, and he's fucking adorable. :)
Anyway, that's all for now...must go pick up new books and add poetry. Going to Methford to see V for Vendetta this afternoon with Kristen and possibly Ricky if he decides to come with.