
Feb 11, 2006 08:21

It's been a while since I've updated, that's for damn certain. Nothing has really happened since my last update, though. Well...that's not entirely true. The Seahawks were robbed at the Super Bowl, I went back to John Day and then back to Ashland in a weekend, I've had classes all week long, had a midterm for which I was not prepared and on which I performed admirably, and I've done loads of writing on a plot bunny that snuck up and bit me in the ass. It started with a dream I had, and now I'm slowly building a story and a world around this dream. Motivations for my characters are still slightly vague, but I'm working on it.

I joined the YMCA again. And God Almighty am I sore. Ugh. Speaking of the Y, I think I may head on over there in a couple of hours. Don't know how busy it'll be on a Saturday morning. But yes, I need to lose weight. I'm a flabby, lazy ol' cow and need to take off about a hundred pounds (not really, but I could stand to lose a good deal of weight). The only way I've ever lost weight is by That's what I'm doing now. My legs are not happy with me. And I'm desperately out of shape...I lost all endurance I had and I'm gasping by the time I get through a half mile on the treadmill. Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh, ugh.

This term is going so strangely. I can't believe it's already halfway through February. Where has all the time gone? Especially considering I do nothing. I mean, I go to class, but I never have any homework, no papers to write until the very end of the term, and then I only have one, which is only 4-6 pages for my Women's Writing class. The weeks just go on by, and suddenly here we are, a few days before Valentine's Day. And here comes my obligatory rant. God, but I do hate that day. Commercialized romance, guilt trips, conspicuous consumption almost as bad as Christmas. It's sickening. I keep seeing the Kay Jewelers commercials on TV, and they're so over-the-top sentimental that I honestly wonder if anyone can possibly take them seriously. Yeah, maybe I'm a little bitter, maybe the reason I'm so against Valentine's Day is because I have no 'special someone' of my own, but really...there's more to life than having someone, right? I need to just get on with my own life and myself and not worry about garbage like romance. :) I may just have to have the ultimate 'Me' evening for Valentine's Day. I'll watch sappy romance movies, paint my toenails, eat chocolate cake, and drink a bottle of nice-ish wine. Ha. No evening of forced conversation over dinner for me! :P Whatever.

I'm so excited, though, because 23 February approaches ever nearer! :) On the 23rd I shall be seeing Il Divo in concert. Not only are they incredibly gorgeous, but they're amazing singers. Yes, it's Pop Opera (or as I like to call it, Popera), but I love it! I've been listening to my huge Popera playlist, and I'll probably be listening to very little else for the next week and a half. :D Not only do I get to see Il Divo, but I'm staying the rest of the weekend with Mum and Dad at the 5th Avenue Suites (super-fancy hotel...mmmmmyes), and shall be enjoying the Portland Jazz Festival over the weekend. How could life get any better? A weekend of Popera and Jazz in downtown Portland. *Sigh* Someone's gotta do it. Guess it'll have to be me. :P

Well, for having 'nothing going on,' I've managed to produce a respectable little update. Go, me! I imagine it's just because I'm a writerish sort of gal. I can blather on about anything for endless paragraphs. Well, we'll see what happens today. I believe I'm going to the Vagina Monologues with Roger and his friend Coral Lee this evening. I really want to go to the park today. My assignment for Poetry Writing is partly the motivation. We're supposed to take an hour or so and go 'experience' the world, whether it be in a coffee shop listening to people, or out in nature, but we're not allowed to directly interact with anyone, just observe and take notes. These notes and observations are to be put into a poem, combined with text from two other sources: a completely non-literary text, like a textbook, and then another poem from before 1900. Of course I'm going to pick a poem by Keats. I mean, really. Do we even need to go there? :) So, I'm going to commune with the world sometime today. very poetic, no?

Well, I'm craving coffee, and I haven't even begun brewing, so I shall end this here.

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