Christian Wicca...What a Crock!

Aug 07, 2008 01:32

Lately I've been lurking on a LJ site called Non-Wiccan Witch, and as you would surmise from it's name these people should all be more or less Witches...but what do I find cavorting around there but people ridiculessly calling themselves Christian Witches! And extolling the benefits of Christian Wicca. When my wife does a web search on this we find a plethora of them all clammering to be taken seriously, as though these two different and really diverse religions could be practiced as one. It's simply not possible! Christians do not accept the duality of any deity in their pantheon, period. The only ones I know of that even remotely approach this idea and then it was only briefly are the Mormons. And most mainstream Christians don't even accept them as being Christian in the first place. Which always seemed strange to me be cause their right name is The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints...cant get anymore Christian sounding than that, hell they've even got His name in the middle of theirs. But I digress, my main concern here is that these bloody Christians are trying to lay claim to something that I hold sacred and then they go mucking about talking about that spells are really just prayers with props. WRONG! No they most certainly are not! It's a totally different thought process casting a spell than when kneeling in prayer. First off, Witches do not kneel nor prostrate themselves before their Gods and beseech them for aid nor are they required to do penitence for or to be granted their desires. A Witch is in total control of every aspect of their rite from the beginning to resolution, the Gods are willing participants and lend their strengths to complete the ritual. This allows a Witch to command their will to be done! The most powerful phrase in any spell casting is : “As I will it So Shall it Be”, does that sound like supplication to you? Which is then inevitably followed by “So Mote It Be”! That's not a supplication either. We literally reach out and take control of the universe and bend it to our will. We don't ask, we don't cajole, we don't beg nor do we grovel in humility, we know what we can do and how to do it, that's why it's called the Craft of the Wise.

The problem here is that these Christians witches are clinging to their Christian roots whilst simultaneously wanting to play with Tarot and or do love spells and such. One even told me she didnt work at all with any Gods but just worked through herself, which my response is “then you're not a Witch for you have no focus”. They all seem to say pretty much the same thing, that they identify with being a witch, but still consider themselves as Christian. What are you people afraid of, losing your immortal soul? If you really believe that your soul is immortal than there is no way you could lose it right? Christianity is pretty much the new kid on th block as far as world religions goes, with the exception of the Muslims. So I really don't see that Christians or the Muslims for that matter has any exclusivity on ownership of the concept of the immortal soul. A witches whole way of life is centered around that concept as are all the other religions through out the world, even the ancient Jew's believed in this concept.

This is the exact part that I don't understand...if they want to be witches, then by all means be one. But if you want to be a Christian, then be one of those...but you cant be both! It's like that segment from the Karate Kid movie where Mr. Miagi asks Daniel if he's ready to start learning Karate and Daniel responds with “guess so”. Miagi explains that you either do Karate or you don't but not “guess so” because you will get squished just like a grape in the middle of the road. If your going to be a Witch, then be one, or be a Christian, but if you try to do both you're going to end up just like that grape in the middle of the road.

I came into the Craft back in the 70's pretty much just as it was all getting started and many of those that are considered old time classic authors are and were friends of mine (some of them have crossed over now). I remember all to well the fight we had trying to become accepted and recognized as a valid religion. I remember Z Buddapest's arrest and subsequent triumph in getting the “fortune telling law” overturned back in the mid 70's. Before that time you could be arrested and imprisoned for reading the tarot or holding public rites. Secrecy was paramount and if you had children they could be removed from you and put in protective custody pending your hearing. Also you could and most likely would lose your job in the bargain too. I remember when Alex Sanders caught his loin cloth on fire during the filming of his fire dance...(we all laughed my arses off and he almost lost his lol).

So what's next Christians? What other religion are you going to try and make a bid for...I've already heard you're trying out Christian Spiritualism. My Grandmother was a Spiritualist Medium, a witch certainly my many's standards, but if you ever called her one she'd of split you in two for even questioning her gift as not coming from God, she was a very devout Christian. I know here's one you can try about Christian Satanism? you don't even have to change pantheons, just whose the good guy, or maybe you could do a time share with them, you know trade off, one time God will be good the next time Satain will be the good guy, what do you think? I think it's got a certain ring to it Christian Satanism, WOW what a concept!
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