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Sep 15, 2006 16:31


Now I ask's ye did ye e'vr read anythin so silly in ye's whole life as that?

Here be th Pope o a Christian faith wot be quote'n an historical account b'twxist a 14th century Byzantine Christian Emperor, Manuel Paleologos II n an educated Persian pon th truths o Christianity n Islam.

Now ye knows right thar they aint gonna gets a real vote from that Emperor theys grand mates n e be jus o'vr joy'd by theys presence...n ere now them stuip Muslims o these days wants an appology fer wot history recorded...say'n that his eminance done gone n insult'd thems wit his quote? Wot th bloody hell be next wit these jackinapes? Does e appologise fer all th wars start'd in th name o his god too? (which thems be plenty o)...History be an embarrasement sure, e'vr body gots caught one time o other wit theys imperical attitude a show'n all o'vr th place, specially thems wot rule'd more than half th known world fer a time. And besides t'was said n did by thems too...so wot they all bloody fired up about then? That th Vatican had such documents t'quotes from or that this expose's fer likes th bloody bastards theys act'n likes now? Ifn e'vr thing be as tolerant as they say it be...this lil bit o history would not phaze them as be'n mean spirit'd, but they'd appologize fer theys old time practice o "...his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached"...but then them christians be well familar wit that particular missionary tool theyselves...remembers it be thems wot had 600 years o Inquestion...600 years o violence a spread'n theys Christian word o peace t'th world...600 years o kill'n off thems wot didna see it their way, 600 years of evil, bloody n inhumane torture, invent'd by n applied by th hand o supposedly pious men...oh aye...they gots lots o experience wit that...jus likes them muslims has.

History is history mates...it records ye's deeds wither they be fair or foul...n sometimes it gets told different than it happen'd too, aye...but this bit I's read afore n we knows from recent experience o theys feel'ns bout thems wot they feels be wrong...why ye thinks they calls us "Infidels"? or they gets all hop'n mad at folks fer say n draw'n that which they feels be insult'n? cause they dont think we has th right t'feel, t'live or e'vn be, cause they's no religion but theirs, now thats wrong, terribly wrong...oh n that bit bout they welcome'n them jews inta theys countries...well sure they did...theys from th same family after all. Course now I sure they wont admit that...lol
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