Nov 06, 2006 21:18
We left for Minnesota this past Saturday morning at 7 am.
Shoshana wanted me to meet her mom’s mother and that side of the family, who live outside Minneapolis. We stayed in a decent hotel, ate constantly-breakfast, brunch, dinner, etc. These folks can EAT.
Richard and Gail, who I met for the first time at Shosh’s bridal shower, were very hospitable and have an interesting home. Severely modern, you might call it. All white with lots of bold red/black/white art, sudden explosions of color, very sterile, clean lines. It isn’t what I’d choose for myself, but I can completely admire the boldness of the design. The wallpaper was geometric, tactile shapes. I kept touching it.
I really like Richard. A psych professor at University of Minnesota and the author of books and viral publications, he’s the rare sort of intelligent person who never pulls rank. He’s still hungry for knowledge, still wants to learn, even in his 50’s. Just talking with him is great, and I think from his reactions he feels the same way about me. I’ve met plenty of folks who’ve decided that they’re done learning, that they know everything worth knowing, whether it be not listening to a new musical style or not even taking the time to truly consider the viewpoint of another during an argument.
Shosh’s maternal grandma was in a nursing home unfortunately suffering from memory issues, but we took her out a few times. She was very cute and planted quite a kiss on me. During dinner I waved to her discreetly and she smiled and waved back, despite her failing vision. Very sweet lady.
Minnesota was full of Midwestern accents ( Yah, you betcha ! ) and lukewarm weather. It really wasn’t very cold at all, which was disappointing. We visited the legendary Mall of America, the largest mall I’ve ever been to and the inspiration for the design of the Willamette Mall in Dead Rising. It was a vast octagon built around an amusement park.
Noah, Shosh and I went on the Timberland Twister, a fucking great ride with all the punch of the taller coasters and none of the waiting time to be scared shitless. The passenger car rotates 360 degrees through a three story nest of sharp twists and mostly 90 degree rails. I’ve been on plenty of coasters where I’ve been at the top of the big dip looking down into nothingness, but I’ve never been on one where I’m spinning AWAY from the big drop, not seeing it coming. Loved it! Shosh was absolutely terrified, screaming over the goblin cackles of Noah and I.
I picked up a really nifty Spider-Man t-shirt, a creepy cool design I’ve never seen before, and the Criterion Dazed & Confused disc. As much fun as we had, I’m glad to be done with the flying and the hotels, etc. It’s nice to be home. We had dinner just a bit ago with Noah and Blythe after the flight home, and here we are. Given my recent lifestyle changes, I drank precious little in Minnesota, even when 5 of us hit the hotel bar late last night.