Oct 19, 2006 02:40
Beverly told Brian this afternoon that Mike was making her feel like she wasn't welcome around the office, this not long after Mike told me her hated her. As I said to Brian, " Time for Mike to friendly up." The last thing you'd want is some kind of sexual harassment claims coming out of this. Brian has taken over as my driver on the way home, and we discuss a great many varied things during these trips.
After work today we picked up Justice League Heroes for PS2, a third person co-op adventure game that played exactly like I thought it would. Basically the game is a Hunter: The Reckoning-style brawler, which is to say a guilty pleasure with some great stuff packed in there.
The upgrades are plentiful and really work, and freezing random shit with Superman's freeze breath is a blast. You can play as one or two of 7 Justice Leaguers, with 4 more
( including the Huntress, Green Arrow and Aquaman...in a land based scene !? ) available for the unlocking. There are games that are rich in plot and magnificient in action, and then there are others you play when you get home from work and you just wanna kill robots and break stuff alot.
JLH has your back for that.
I showed up to the local district court this morning to give testimony against James in terms of him smashing into my car all drunk and stuff. He didn't show up, so they issued a warrant for his arrest and shook my hands. The hearing was pushed back to November. It was originally to be held in late September, but his lawyer requested a continuance.
Tonight is date night. I hope to cook up something resembling dinner, and maybe head into the city. No videogames, no studying, etc. Should rock. Friday we're meeting Shosh's old college buddies at Monk's, leaving Saturday open for cleaning, party preparation.