A Beginner's Guide to the Sherlock BBC fandom on Livejournal and Tumblr

Nov 02, 2011 16:17

The lists of links under the cut are by no means complete or exhaustive, though they are fairly extensive! I have every intention of continuing to add to and expand upon the reclists here. All opinions my own etc. etc. Let me know if you have something you'd like me to consider adding to this, and please let me know if I've not credited you/not credited correctly. Apologies if I've cocked anything up; I'm all html-ed out.

For whitmans_kiss, with love.

- LJ communities
- Misc. resources
- Writing resources
- Useful/cool tumblrs
- Reclists
- Awesome artists
- Awesome authors
- Awesome fics

Livejournal Communities

SHERLOCKBBC_FIC - the enormous kink meme. It's a community in itself due to all of the extra bits it has, and it's exceptionally well-modded. Anon-optional depending on your personal preference, and a generally great place.
All 21 parts of the meme! - there's no limit on the number of fills one prompt can have and if a prompt you want to fill is in a part that's full, you can post your fill on the overflow post.
the rant post keeps the vast majority of wank off the meme proper, and is good for a vent, anon or otherwise.
the discussion/chatter post is stupidly helpful with any sort of question you'd ever want answering, from what the layout of 221b is, what type of lube is good and whether you should call that person back or give it a couple of hours. There's a bit of meta there and a lot of general discussion about all sorts, and everyone's really friendly. It's been invaluable to me in the past!
the searching post is what it says on the tin - a place to find fics you've lost from vague descriptions or a place to say 'I want an S/J story featuring x, y and z' and often have a load of links dropped in your lap. People usually come up trumps.
the story announcement post is a place to post your off-meme stories.
the love post is there to balance out the rant post.
the filled prompts post is where you post a link to your fill once it's finished. I'm really crap at rememebering to do this
the delicious archive is where all the fics posted on the meme are archived. It's an absolute treasure trove of fic, even if delicious has gone to shit and eaten half the tags.

SHERLOCKBBC - the 'main' Sherlock community on LJ. They have a shit-hot tagging system. My favourite thing they do is Sunday Recday, where fics etc. are recced. There's often a theme, but I like the open rec days best. :)
icon tag.
Sherlock/John tag.

JOHNSHERLOCK - relatively quiet community but with +1,000 BBC-verse S/J fics posted. I usually link to my stories here as well as sherlockbbc.

HOLMESIANNEWS - gah, the best thing. They do a daily round-up of everything posted to Holmesian communities on LJ, including Ritchie and Granada 'verses. Absolutely marvellous, and a must-watch if you want to keep updated without having your flist swamped.

221BRECS - rec community for any and all Holmes adaptations, but with a preponderance towards BBC. There are permanent reccers, and guest reccers who can sign up to rec for a month.

SHERLOCKICONS - icons here. Some of them so good I was seduced into buying extra userpic space.


Essentials for Sherlock and LJ is so useful. Lots of misc. but indispensable information.
Sherlock Timeline sets out the events of S1 canon in a clear timeline.
221b layout - I usually fudge the architecture and make it up as I go along, but this is a brilliant resource.
Sherlock screencaps - the most extensive set I've seen. All three episodes plus the unaired pilot!
Sherlockology - Pretty good website.

Writing Resources
a by no means complete list.

Write or Die - my best thing.
Edit Minion - from the genius at Write or Die.
List of Colours

Useful/Cool Tumblrs

Fic Rec Tumblrs
SHERLOCKFANFIC - a must-follow. The person who runs this is always incredibly helpful with questions/fic searches etc, and the tagging's great.
BBCSHERLOCKRECS - very nicely tagged, regularly updated.
FUCKYEAHSHERLOCKFICS - daily recs, always quality, with hilarious gifs and commentary.
SHERLOCKFICRECREVIEW - I only stumbled across this one today, but it looks good!

Misc. Tumblrs
SHERLOCKBBCGRAPHICS - there are some seriously talented creators of graphics in this fandom. So much pretty.
ASOFTERSHERLOCKBBC - A Softer World crossovers are one of my favourite things, and though this hasn't been updated in a while, everything on the blog is still gorgeous.
BBCSHERLOCKCAPS - lovely screencaps, always useful.
SHERLOCKHOLMESFANART - fanart, and lots of it! Really nice blog.
FYEAHSHERLOCKANDJOHN - I love this tumblr. Updated very regularly, graphics and fanart. Just wonderful.
SHERLOCKFANON - brilliant for a crash course in the extensive and often incredibly cracky Sherlock fanon.
SHERLOCKJOHN - art, graphics, Sherlock and John-centric.
FYEAHSHERLOCK - another good one to follow, quite a few Doctor Who crossovers.
BLANKETFORYOURSHOCK does a lot of good and lovely things for the fandom. Check out her Sherlock Fandom Classics series for some beautiful fake book covers and a lot of great fic! Her fic rec tag is cracking, too.


Fandom Classics over at sherlockfanfic on tumblr.
johnhwatson-'s general list is very good.
100 fics recced by froghat.
the next 100 fics from froghat.
sherlock neverending rec post of doom from sevenswells is awesome. And there's a part two!
sherlock neverending rec post of doom part ii: the revenge of the gay zombie pirate male strippers

Awesome Artists
a by no means complete list.


Awesome Authors
linking to masterlists where I can, a by no means complete list.


Awesome Fics
a by no means complete list.

honey-bees, come build in the empty house by wreathsandbells. John didn't know honey could taste like this, like herb gardens and spring and the wind over the downs.

I Used to Live Alone Before I Knew You by etothepii. Where Mycroft is an angel, Sherlock is a demon, and John is still John.

Sherlock Holmes' Diary by errantcomment. Sherlock Holmes keeps a diary. No one is supposed to know about it. He's pretty sure Mycroft does though, the fat nosy git. Bridget Jones fusion.

fandom: general, writing, fandom: recs, resources, meta

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