Over the past few weeks, fandom has cropped up in my 'real' life quite a few times.
On the train up to Liverpool, I was reading Good Omens (still not finished, no spoilers please), and a bloke a couple of years older than me got on the train and asked me what I was reading and then we got talking, as you do. He asked what else Neil Gaiman had written so I got my Kindle out to check. He then asked if he could look at the Kindle/see what it did, and thankfully, I still haven't got round to putting any porn on it so I happily obliged. He got quite excited when he found The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and asked how he used the search function so he could show me the bit 'where it sounds like Watson is really gay for Holmes,' or something along those lines. He found the paragraph he was after and read it out to me, sniggering like a schoolboy most of the way through. All I could think was 'way ahead of you there, mate, you're actually interrupting my plans to write some filth featuring the two of them.' But it was quite amusing and he was pleasant company, at least until he asked me whether I wanted to try his contact lenses out. :/
My mother and sister have been the other two culprits. We were sat having a cup of tea at the kitchen table after work the other day and my sister mentioned something about how one of the lads in her class had said that women probably enjoyed (not quite the word he used, I think 'got off to' was in there somewhere) m/m relationships in the same way that many men enjoy f/f relationships. My sister objected. My mom debated the logistics of gay sex. I kept my mouth firmly shut, even though I know that it definitely is physically possible for two men to have sex in the missionary position, mom, and plenty of women enjoy a bit of slash on the quiet, little one.
And last night, the subject of 'how I used to write fanfiction when I was younger' came up. My mom was all 'Oh, I bet you've got loads of your old fanfiction floating about on the internet, how embarrassed would you be if you found that?' I tried very hard not blush and laughed it off, even though I had been tapping away at one of the fics I'm working on not five minutes before the conversation.
It's a funny old world.