Fic - A Saucerful of Fag Ends - Remus/Sirius - NC-17

Feb 06, 2011 10:31

Title: A Saucerful of Fag Ends
Prompt: Bathing together - something romantic and sensual
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters/Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Summary: The boys have a smoke in the bath and then get it on. PWP, First War era.
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1276
Notes: Originally written anonymously for the R/S Kink Meme. Thanks to both ceredwensirius for letting us take over her journal and to anon for requesting this!

‘Pass that here,’ Sirius says, holding his hand out for the pale green saucer that acts as the bathroom ashtray. Remus gives it to him after tapping his cigarette over it and presses a soft kiss to the back of Sirius’s neck.

‘Don’t spill it in the fucking bath,’ Remus mumbles, because mumbling is what he does. He brings his right knee up out of the water and rests his foot on the bottom of the bath, which is green, like the ashtray, but darker, and ugly. His other leg is stretched out, his foot pressed against the side of the bath at the bottom, next to Sirius’s. He rests his elbow on his drawn-up knee and inhales deeply from his cigarette, holding the smoke for a moment before blowing it towards the ceiling, leaning his head back against the wall and closing his eyes. His other hand dips below the water to rest on Sirius’s stomach. ‘Lie back,’ he says.

Sirius does as he’s told; shifts so that he’s leaning against Remus’s front, the back of his head resting on Remus’s shoulder. Remus kisses Sirius’s forehead before inhaling again from his fag.

‘Alright, love?’ he murmurs, reaching down to tap the ash off the end of his cigarette onto the saucer that Sirius is holding.

‘Mmm,’ Sirius hums, brushing his lips over Remus’s neck, nipping affectionately.

‘Get off,’ Remus says, though he’s grinning. He glances down at Sirius.

‘Hello,’ Sirius says, smirking up at him.

‘Hello yourself,’ Remus mutters, inhaling one last time before stubbing the end of his fag out on the tiled wall, dropping it amongst the ash and the rest of the fag ends on the saucer.

‘Your hair’s curly,’ Sirius informs him.

Remus raises an eyebrow. ‘So’s yours,’ he says, shifting his left hand down and giving Sirius’s pubes a sharp tug.

‘Ow, you twat!’ Sirius hisses, though he laughs, and a broad smile spreads across Remus’s face. He rubs his hands up and down Sirius’s arms slowly and kisses his neck again.

‘Touch yourself for me,’ he murmurs.

Sirius turns just enough so that Remus can see him raise his eyebrows.

‘Just do it,’ Remus says, and something in his eyes makes Sirius reach down and wrap his hand around himself, stroking himself to hardness. ‘That’s it,’ Remus whispers, drawing his bottom lip in between his teeth as he watches Sirius’s long, pale fingers move up and down, watches them squeeze a bit tighter, the water blurring and distorting the image. ‘Love watching you do this,’ he says, his own fingers moving across Sirius’s chest, pinching a nipple at the same time as his teeth sink into the soft, white skin of Sirius’s neck.

A quiet moan escapes Sirius’s throat and he pushes his hips up slightly, quickening his pace.

‘Stop it,’ Remus barks, pinching Sirius again. ‘Slowly,’ he says, and Sirius obeys, but only because this is clearly turning Remus on, not because he likes being told what to do. He tugs slowly, shifting down Remus’s body so that he’s mostly on his back, his knees pulled up and his legs spread, resting against Remus’s. Half of his cock is underwater and, now that Remus can see the head of it clearly, Sirius pays particular attention to it, rubbing his thumb across the sensitive skin, pulling slowly, tightening his hand until a drop of pre-come leaks out. He goes to rub it over the head but is stopped by Remus gripping his wrist tightly. ‘Leave it,’ he growls, his teeth against Sirius’s neck again.

Groaning, Remus drops Sirius’s wrist and takes Sirius’s cock in his own hand, stroking for a moment before using his index finger to gather up the drop of come, wrapping his lips around his finger and sighing softly at the taste. ‘More,’ he orders, resting his chin on Sirius’s shoulder, moving Sirius’s hand back to his own cock.

Sirius isn’t entirely sure what Remus wants more of - come or watching Sirius wank. He can feel Remus’s cock pressing into his back. He’d rather they just got out of the bath and fucked or sucked one another off or something. It would all be much easier. However, he begins to stroke himself again, reaching his other hand down to brush his fingertips lightly over his entrance. He whimpers.

‘Yeah,’ Remus moans, his warm breath huffing over Sirius’s ear as he begins to pant slightly. ‘Go on,’ he urges, pressing his hips forward apparently without thinking about it. ‘Go on, Sirius, finger yourself for me,’ he growls, his voice harder than usual, his RP accent slipping, Manchester creeping into the edges.

Hearing Remus begin to lose control sends Sirius wild and he presses a finger into himself, then another, gasping. The water eases the way in slightly but it still burns without lube. ‘Ah, fuck,’ he moans, frowning, tugging his cock harder and faster, his eyes shut tight, water splashing around them and over the sides of the bath onto the floor, which is ruined and shit enough as it is, but neither of them care.

Remus is gripping the edges of the bath, staring down at Sirius, his breathing laboured as he watches. ‘Fucking gorgeous,’ he says. ‘Going to fuck you,’ he gasps, tugging on Sirius’s earlobe with his teeth, pinching his nipple again.

Sirius cries out, arching his back, his dark hair fanning around him in the water as he moves his hand and his fingers at an almost desperate pace, finally managing to brush over his prostate and send himself over the edge, shouting wordlessly, thick ribbons of come falling into the water.

‘Get out and bend over,’ Remus snarls, hardly giving Sirius any time to recover as he pushes himself up and out of the bath, throwing a towel down onto the floor to mop up the worst of the spilt water before Sirius, his legs shaking slightly partly from his orgasm and partly from the awkward position he was in, climbs out of the bath and bends over it. Wasting no time, Remus falls to his knees and pulls Sirius’s arse cheeks apart, licking up and down and in.

‘Fuck!’ Sirius gasps, jerking forwards slightly.

‘Yes,’ Remus says, mumbling something else, holding his hand out, and there’s a soft whoosh and a tube of lubricant flies into his outstretched hand.

‘Don’t need it,’ Sirius says, holding onto the edge of the bath. ‘Come on, take me.’

‘Don’t argue,’ Remus orders, slicking two fingers up and pushing them in, then a third, thrusting and twisting them, trying to get Sirius ready as quickly as possible. ‘So fucking beautiful,’ he groans, fisting his cock once, twice, three times, then pushing in, a loud, ragged moan escaping his chest. He begins to thrust hard, any semblance of self-control abandoned long ago, gripping Sirius’s shoulder and his hip.

Sirius moans, long and low, as Remus pushes in. ‘Yeah,’ he says. ‘That’s it, love, fuck...’

‘Soon,’ Remus says, pressing fevered kisses over Sirius’s back, the movement of his hips becoming increasingly erratic. ‘Soon, soon, Sirius, fuck, oh, Sirius!’ he shouts, throwing his head back, thrusting in hard one last time, slamming his hips forward. ‘Fuck,’ he gasps, resting his forehead on Sirius’s damp shoulderblade.

‘I should wank for you more often,’ Sirius says, turning his head and grinning at Remus.

‘Shut up,’ Remus says, and kisses him.

character: sirius black, pairing: remus/sirius, genre: romance, fest, character: remus lupin, fandom: harry potter, fic, rating: nc-17, genre: pwp

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