Apr 01, 2007 10:29
i leave at 5 today for kansas city for work.i come back thursday evening.then i leave again monday after easter and comeback friday the 13th.in the time i am there the following concerts are going on and i plan on seeing a few of them(even if theres bands i havent heard much from):
talib kwelli tuesday night
tonight is dragonforce/killswitch/chimaira depending when im settled and how much it is i may go
anberlin/bayside(havent heard much from either but it might be worth checking out)
men,women and children/bedouin soundclash next week sometime
i think theres some others but i dont remember
so i get back in here thursday at 6.then friday i am going to toledo for against me.this is definately and action packed couple of weeks.should be fun times.