(no subject)

Oct 01, 2007 17:35

Hmh. Has been tagged by http://natsecorma.net/theredundantblog/2007/09/30/seven-silly-things-regarding-yours-truly/Lotta (How the fuck do the formatting here work anyways?) to tell seven personal facts about myself. Will try my best.

1. My colour vision is much "colder" on my right eye than on my left. Red becomes more and more pinkish the more light my eye is exposed too. On the other hand, green grass appears almost brown on my right hand, so in short my colour vision is ... strange in bright sunlight. (In the shade I don't have this problem.)

2. I got loudly cheered upon by all the "cool" people (oh my god, that expression is so bitter. Still, it's the best one. Why did I write this in English, again?) when I walked forward with my group to hold a lecture about salmon-farming in the local Culture House (again, why English?). My group still didn't win, though.

3. I have puked after having drunk too much alcohol (combined with the fact that I'd drunk half a litre of milk earlier that evening and then done sit-ups, I think, but still..). Wasn't shit-faced, though.

4. I try to help girls who have problems with their confidence, lovelife, etc. Partly because I want to help somebody, and partly because it feels good to hear all the problems other people have. (Only reason I don't do this with guys is because they don't want to talk about their problems. And because they don't trigger my protector-instincts, maybe.)

5. Following in the vein of the previous one, I must admit that I find vulnerable girls cute.

6. My family is amongst the ten wealthiest in Bodø (something about 40 000 inhabitants). We still live as upper middle class, though, being Norlænninga and everything.

7. Some days ago, I looked all over the Internet (and my friends and family) for the name of a band with red, pyramid-shaped hats, that had a hit in the Eighties with a song that had a video containing a whip. After two days I found out that the name of the band was Devo, and their hit was called "Whip it!". I then proceeded to listen to it twice, and not worry more about it. I also like Grandmaster Flash and feel strangely attracted by the refrain in "Grace Kelly" by Mika. Don't tell anybody, though.

Hokey. I tag Caroline/lekmøya. Just because I can. And because you deserve it. Yes.

personal facts

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