Introduction thingy, I guess.

Jul 09, 2010 22:41

I don't really do the whole blogging thing much, but I suppose I ought to at least post *something* here - if only to stop people confusing me with whoever had this username before I came along.

So, uh, hi.

I'm Loten, which according to a werewolf story I read is a medieval English word meaning 'moonlight bright enough to see by'. I'm 23, I'm female, I live in south-east England. Unfortunately for me I live with my parents, because I'm unemployed and can't afford to move out; me and three million others. I'm single. I have one older brother. I have a zoology degree from Aberystwyth University, the completely useless climax to a very expensive education. Huzzah.

I write fanfiction under the name Loten on You can check it out if you like? I doubt I have enough of a following to ramble about my fics on my blog. I have a deviantArt account too, and one day it might even have some art on it.

If anyone gives a damn what I look like, which I doubt, I'm 5'4", with long dark brown hair and blue-grey eyes. I wear glasses, and I have one of the three tattoos I eventually plan to get.

Writing is my main hobby; it's overtaken reading as my major vice. I'm a big-time fantasy fan - I'll read almost anything as long as it has werewolves, magic, or both. Except Twilight. I'm sorry, but I like my vampires to not be sparkling Mormon stalkers. I read other genres too, but fantasy is my main love.

I've noticed recently that all my major ships seem to feature tall, dark-haired, dark-eyed, black-robe-wearing, clever wizards. Make of that what you will.
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