Apr 12, 2005 03:21
It seems that throughout the course of life that people have not only become seclusive, concealing and suspect towards each other, but rather now, more so then I have noticed before, how illigitiiment one's sincerity is towards another.
Take for example, a small child who lost his father to his own selfishness by the act of suicide. Does one person actually feel remorse for the child? Truly? or just something to appear to feel to others so that one isn't looked upon as being callous, in the name of self-preservation.
How would you feel now, if I told you that a child's sister (who doesn't share the same father), who appears to care about her brother, would not go down to another city (where her brother would be for the week) only because she would have to leave the following sunday when she wants to go back on a saturday.
What if the funeral was for that saturday. She has no respect for this "father" therefore blantly says she is not going to the funeral.
So it can be summed up as this: If this sister did not have a ride back for the saturday she would not go down at all, malnutritioning her brother of her so called caring and support that he most definatly needs. What of her excuse? when confronted with the moral's of her reasoning about the ride and why she couldn't stay that extra day, which would be an extra day her brother would probably appreciate (once he grows older to understand the concepts), she had the reply that she hated , when pressed furthar, she then changed or added on to this with the excuse that she had things to do.
I have a lot of wisdom, and it's very easy to see her evasive actions. Without background information, which I do not care to disclose, it would be easy for one to make up their own reasonings of what her "things" she needed done where. We could apply almost anything, but the fact remains, she has NOTHING she has to do at all, and if so, nothing that could overthrow the importance of being a supportive sister that she would like one to believe.
Where is her sympathy for her brother now? Just how justifying is this sympathy? It sounds more like self-indulgence and self-preservation more then anything else.
*** ALAS! the iron curtain has been drawn and the shadows come to light! ***
Societies motivations, carelessness, self-indulgance, ignorance and selfishness really aggitates me and it gets worse with every year that passes. What is even more troublesome is that either everyone accepts this or does not see it. Maybe a combination of the two, maybe even the fact that they turn a blind eye to it, applying the very ignorance that I talk about. Society hides behind this very iron curtain in more ways then discussed here.
With the advent of everyone killing themselves, I often wonder to myself if it is really better off that way than to live in this society of lies? The bible, itself makes one come to the conclusion that the "armegeddon" is necessary and perhaps needed; to open everyone's eye's.