Aug 21, 2004 22:55
I am currently reading LILA by Robert Pirsig, and it is discussing fascinating ideas about reality and the nature of the universe. I am only a third of the way through the book but it has already started making some fascinating claims to insights to reality.
Currently the author is stating that Quality (Value) is the one indivisible essence of the world,
However to define Quality he must devise a a metaphysics or system of clasification and that the meta physics of quality's first division is into two types of quality, Dynamic Value(quality), and Static Value.
Dynamic good if you will are those forces that are constantly arising forcing change into the world, and as they age and become Static values. I am still trying to grasp the entirety of the idea, so I will not even try to explain it as I would no doubt butcher the idea and do a disservice to anyone who should happen to read this novel.
BUT I HIGHLY RECOMMEND his first book ZEN AND THE ART OF MOTORCYCLE MAINTENANCE (you may of heard of it) and from what I have read so far Lila. It is a slow starter and it is mostly for those who care about philosophy of life, but I wanted to start recording my initial reactions so I don't lose the ideas that come to me out of inspiration; loosing them in the jumble of my daily life.
I can only say I am very excited by this book and I hope it lives up to my expectations and i will try and write a synopsis for anyone who cares.