Apr 29, 2004 14:44
What/When/Who/Where was the last...
time you cried:: umm a few days ago
time you laughed:: a second ago
swear word you said:: fuck
band you listened to: agony scene
book you read:: why im not a christian
word you said: hi
dream you had:: i dont know
person you IMed: mandi
person you talked to: my mom
person you missed: nate
gift you gave: i dont know
person you hugged: mom
time you kissed someone: fuck if i know a long time ago
person you loved: long time ago
time you were physically injured: today
time you were scared: when i almost got hit by a car
time you were mad: last night when i got fucked over
board game you played: Candy Land wth my little brother
picture you looked at: Mandi
car you drove: uhh my grammas car
store you went to: Albertsons
phonecall you made: i dont know
homework assignment you did: U.S. History
thing you bought: my computer
thing you had to drink: coke
think you ate: PB and J
movie you watched: afi video
TV show you watched: South Park
time you were annoyed:: today, at someone who i wont say
time you were sad: last night
shirt you took off: my scarlet one
makeup you put on:: none
wish you made: no
thing you picked up: a hooker
person you thought about: Nate or Mandi
website you visited: this one
emotion you felt: depressed
chore you did: vacuum
time you got in trouble: a little bit ago
person you danced with:: some sweaty mexican guy at AILD
time you went swimming: 2 days ago
thing you drew: scary guy
time you brushed your teeth:this morning
child you played with: my little brother(not like that sickos)
time you smiled: right now
smell you smelled: lucas's hair
job you had: never had one but i want one really bad
time you were shocked: a little bit aho
animal you saw: my cat
lyric you liked: "send my regards, see my new scars?" give up the ghost
thing you heard: music
weather you were out in: normal temperature
thing you regretted: me telling my mom i cut
thing you were thankful for: everyone who cares about me
hair product you used: i hate product, so water
socks you wore: black ones
pants you wore: tight black ones
time you buttoned a button: my button on my pants
time you skipped class: last quater
time a picture was taken of you: yesterday
time you were lonely: right now
time you were inexpressibly hyper: all the fucking time
advice you gave/were given: when my mom told me to do better in school and i would regret not doing good
time you felt loved: never
compliment you gave/were given: cant remember
law you broke: a little while ago
radio station you listened to: 91X
time you stayed up way too late: spring break
comic strip you read: the one in the newspaper
toothpaste you used: listerine kind
card game you played: war
thing you wrote by hand: US histort homework
kind of gum you chewed: double mint
reason you were stressed: if you feelin like a pimp nigga go on, brush yo shouldas off