Oct 02, 2004 11:01
Whispers of a Monster
Thoughts which crawl up from the depths of our gritty civilization
They frighten the young and old alike with empty threats
Whispers of a broken world creep into our ears each night
In our deepest of dreams, far from our control
Blood drips from our finger tips like the Devil's crimson lips
Deceit seeps from every corner
Our sins call to our souls from uninhibbitted graves
These mosters bring the future of our children to tears
These whispers are better known as the dreams of our world leaders.
From the Inexperienced Soul
Beauty was in my yesterday
Trepidation is awaiting in my tomorrow
What seems so wrong now was so right in my dreams that night
I awoke that day with the sensation that I must be dead
This is all held within my soul's hushed screams
Living in constant combat with this pain
Residing within my scrambled thoughts
From the depths of inexperienced bereavement
I hold nothing but predilection for these tears
Which trickle leisurely down this stream of dirty angel wings
I watch in harmony
From my wind brushed swing
I, alone, observe the silence from within
As our chaotic world collapses around us
Finally, I unlock my niave eyes
Only for my gaze to rest upon ... nothing
except the abyss we were born in to.