Feb 25, 2004 06:58
welp...today i didnt feel like going to school so...i didnt....i went with my mom and brother to publix, the stained glass store, and mcdonalds, and right now im at my grandmothers house....so i pretty much didnt do anything today....the only thing good about it was that i got to sleep late....what really sucked about not going to school was that i couldnt talk to anybody....gian called me during the lunch hour to see where i was though....i dont know what keeps me talking to him because i didnt think that after we broke up we would still talk...w/e we'll se what happens....i called caro to see what happened today and all she was talking about was the promotion board that was going on...she failed it horribly....oh gosh nicole just imed me to tell me her grandmother died on monday!!!....wow...im soooo shocked....her grnadmother was such a nice lady!!!....well journal i got to go eat....laters