Breaking Up

Aug 08, 2006 20:41

I made the decision to break up with Trevor with a sound mind, and pain in my heart. I'll really miss what we had and I hope one day we can laugh and be with one another without it hurting as much as it does right now. He's truly a different person than any of you would ever expect...and I was lucky enough to get the chance to see that. I told him I loved him...and a part of me always will, just like a part of him will always love me. I really hope he can find another girl that will make him happy and take care of him as I've tried to do since the first day I held his hand. Though right now, remembering all the times he made me laugh and all the hugs and memories we've shared hurts...time will heal that pain. I wish him the best in life and love, and I truly hope he's learned something from me. That you can always be a child at heart and mature at mind. And what I've learned from him is, among many other things. Even though the rest of the world views you a certain way, the way you view yourself is who you are, so always think highly of yourself, and if you can' something so you can.

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