Would you look at that? I finally got our London photos from a friend and for some reason I liked this one~ Hide Park <3
Photoshopped it because that's what waiting for a job makes you do...
Awkward angle makes my legs look thick though... (I'm the one left) but I swear, they're not ;3; And those shoes? Yeah, they're my not-so-awesome-but-great-for-walking-shoes. Because we were walking for 4 days straight and I didn't want to crawl my way through London XD
*dreamful sigh* I really want to go back...
Maybe I'll post some more pics.. maybe. Don't wanna scare you all with my face, now do I? XD
Thank you all for hoping with me to get that job! But you're not hoping good enough people! I still haven't been called XD /shot
Anyhow, I'm pretty much annoyed. But really, how could I suspect differently? Do you guys have this as well? I'm the kind of person that always has the go the hard way (not that this is drama worthy, but still, my friend just got invited, talked to them and probably got the job - I still have to get invited because they don't call me back!). Same with all the essays I've made. There is always something going wrong, things lost, grades wrong, a misunderstanding. I always have to run around trying to manage things. Same with this job. Guess I'll have to call them, again. Not that I have any hope of getting that job now.
Yeah people, this is still a livejournal, I need to blow of some steam here XD
On the brighter more fail side, a belated birthday shout-out to
fuwarin ! I hope you've had a great day!
Yeah, I really need to keep up with all those birthdays /fail