third craziest week of my life

May 07, 2007 20:19

This week has been madness so far. Finals started last Thursday so I am simultaneously trying to study for them all which is proving difficult and pack up my entire life in four boxes and three suitcases...the boxes to stay here and the suitcases to fly home. That seems like a lot of space but it's proving hard....all my winter clothes have to stay along with all my room stuff. MaryBeth is having to take home my printer and a few other things. So right now my room is a weird mess of mostly-packed storage bins, things to study for my remaining to exams, piles of junk to take home, trash....craziness.

I took the hardest test of my life this morning. Birzer's Honors American Heritage. I hate you, Hillsdale core requirements. Hate! That class has been my hardest ever (hard grader, hard material, lots of material, few grades...) and it hasn't even been all that interesting. It didn't seem like history so much as Birzer's view of America and religion since ...ever. Yeah....can you say "revisionist history" with me?? BAHHHH! Anyway, the test was not only hard, but unfair in parts. Asking questions about things you never talked about in class isn't fair to anyone. I don't care how challenging something is if it's preparable. But when you ask me what year prior to 1989 the Hungarians revolted against their Communist oppressors (which has what? exactly? to do directly with the AMERICAN heritage?) WITHOUT multiple choice...then we have a problem. I mean, wow. SCREW YOU! So yah. My mom is cool with me getting a C. Which I am hoping for. It was that bad. I think one MAYBE two people will get A's in that class. Maybe. Birzer doesn't understand that we don't know everything he knows and that his lectures don't make us understand everything he understands about American history. Sorry, but you have a PhD. We're just freshman....
I'm mostly irritated because I worked really hard and that's not going to show in my final grade because of this test and his bizarre grading strategies. It looks like I didn't try or something. And we can't get our tests back next fall because that's right, he's going on sabaticle.


Also, I am trying to spend as much time as possible with Seth before we have to say goodbye. It's good we have a few days between the end of finals and graduation to hang out.


I just want to be home in Colorado looking at the mountains, breathing the dry air, feeling the sunshine....and relaxing. Working is going to be a relief, which I never thought I'd say. But answering the phone and getting paid to do it and being able to chat with my coworkers and not be judged/graded and get PAID is WAYYY better than this exam shit. Seriously.

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