29! what in the hell?!

Oct 22, 2005 20:11

as birfdays go, this one has to be the bleakest. last year i was on tour with hanzel und gretyl, thrill kill kult, and ministry in philly, this year i am packing to move to nc and eating a frozen pizza and watching dr detroit. on the other hand i did see nine inch nails last night and that was fun times. its been a long time since i have been in the pit. sadly there were not a lot of freaks out, it was 95% emo kids, it was tragic! where were all the scary kids? it was a sea of peep in blue jeans. at the moment i am downloading the patch for WoW which is the best gift i think i could get. thanks kiddo. i am ready to drown myself in that as soon as i get to nc. worst birfday ever.... well not worst.... but the loneliest by far.
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