We don't have internet at home, nor do we have time anyways.

Apr 10, 2012 19:04

So ... this last couple of months have been CRAZY. I will try to keep it short, but a lot of stuff has been happening.

• Wren Alise Ano was born. The hospital misspells name and now she birth certificate and social security card says Wren Alisa Ano. Error will cost us $40 to fix.

• The day after Wren is born, I realize I really do need to install her infant car seat. I move Clara’s children’s car seat over to make room. In the process of installing both seats, I herniate my disc again. Eventually I end up in ER not being able to walk. Good news, those seats are in there very tight and are not going anywhere.

• Wren developed a bad reflux and also cannot digest proteins. This makes her completely miserable and sick and we have to go through a series of different formulas. After seeing an allergist, Wren is on Neocate, a non-milk, non-soy formula that we have to order through the pharmacy (very expensive). She is also on Zantac for her reflux.

• I got sent to a Physical Therapist that decided that she was not going to Physical Therapy as the doctor ordered, but acupuncture/pressure and chiropractic procedures. Instead of doing anything for my back, she rubs my temples, pokes my hand with her pen and jams her hands into my shoulder. Tells me I herniated my disc because I have bad posture and not to go to bed with cold feet. I leave the office worse than I did before I entered. I make a request for new Physical Therapist , but that request takes four weeks. In the meantime, I am trying to do all my stretches that I used to do back when I injured my disc the first time in 2005.

• During this time, we are suppose to be moving. Last day at old house was suppose to be March 31st, but we just finished today (April 10th). Despite doctors orders, I pack, lift, and clean. We also have to pay the old landlord by the day to buy extra time.

• Our new house is a two story, four bedroom house with basement and garage. It has drinkable water from the faucets (that says more about the old house), central air condition, a large kitchen with a gas stove and a electric dishwasher. It has three bathrooms (two more than our old house) and it is cheaper rent per month and it is closer to work.

• Reacting to the chaos of a new baby and moving, Clara has been reverting in her behavior. After getting through “the terrible two’s” without being a terrible ... NOW she is. Every night has become a fight with her.

• The crazy neighbor at our old house decided to start stealing our lawn chairs, bird feeder and other items. We recovered most, but he insists he has nothing to do with why our stuff appears in his yard. Then, in the middle of the night he started to yell at us, swearing at us, telling us to leave. Police say that there is not much they can do without aggravating the situation, the best thing is to just get the heck out of that place.

* One of our bird got out of the cage at the old house while we were at the new house. Crazy neighbor informs us that our front door was open and he closed it for us (not without taking a look at inside enough to chat up our neighbors on other side about how much our house was a mess (imagine a house full of boxes and plastic bags a mess). Bird was never found.

• One of our cats died. Months ago, George Bailey got sick and we took to the vet. The vet did not know what the problem was, but gave him antibiotics and he got better. Then recently he got sick again, so we put him on antibiotics and he gets better again. Then we find him dead in the middle of the floor.

• That same day our oldest cat, Buster, had a really bad asthma attack and almost dies. Buster makes it through the night, but has stroke-like symptoms and has trouble walking. By the end of the week he had made a full recovery.

• Our third cat, “Kitty” (we never named her, because if we did, we would have to keep her ... and that was three years ago) decides that she does not know what is going on with the other cats, but she is NOT going in that cat carrier to move her to the new house and scratches my arms to bits.

• Summer, Abigail, and Emily are all doing well at their new schools. The twins have separate teachers for the first time. Summer is learning her times tables and Japanese.

• Work is busy, going to get busier very soon.

Wow, that was a lot and I am sure I am forgetting something.

emily's health, my back, wren, diary, pregnancy, places of residence, abigail, my job, summer, pets, clara

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