This post is primarally for people who found this blog through google.
Ah okay, so I'm seeing which site gets more hits to figure out which one to update. I accidently googled the original to see this blog's profile is the first google search result. For now please visit
lost_the_key I created this blog to delete the other one, but they are both me (the same author) and active. I had forgotten about this blog, but of course those underscores are a pain to type. I used to be a painfully shy friend's only blogger like most users on livejournal, so I'm having a bumpy transition to having a few public posts. There may be more difficulties that arise in this transition, troubleshooting progress may be slow, but I am working on it. Understand this is a hobby and it's a one woman operation, but I do it out of love and nostalgia. I am also working on the writing. Thank you for reading!