From the blog entry: "Says Samelson, 'The posters on the walls in my all-female freshman dorm at Tufts offered information about eating disorders, what to do if you think you have been sexually assaulted, and suicide and depression hotlines. The Hillsdale walls that I saw were covered with advertisements for quilting clubs, charity opportunities and a listing of local churches.' This can't be because Hillsdale's environment discourages open discussion of assault and mental illness. No, Hillsdale girls just don't get raped, because they are ladies."
From the comments:
"the only person I know who went to Hillsdale left after 2 years, questioned her entire belief system, moved to Boston and proceeded to go off her freakin rocker to the tune of 3 suicide attempts and alot of crappy abusive relationships. The girl had the worst self esteem of anyone I have ever met."
Well, yes, giving people a sense of moral and/or intellectual superiority does tend to make them douche bags that crush the weak. The environment at Hillsdale certainly is a punishing crucible for those who don't fit its mold. It is hard to say if Hillsdale's environment is better or worse than outright Sodom and Gomorrah. Personally I certainly made far more hideous life choices while at Hillsdale than at a school where I was allowed greater freedom to live my own life.