Sign Ups for Lost HOHOHO Close Tomorrow!

Nov 07, 2009 13:50

If you've been waiting until the last minute to make your decision - well, it's here! Sign-ups for Lost HOHOHO will be open only through tomorrow, Sunday, November 8th.

If you've been debating whether or not to participate, consider this:

* It's a 1000-word commitment. That's ten drabbles! Less than two pages in Word! Sure, longer stories are great, but to fulfill your commitment you need only write 1000 words. You can do that!

* This is the only fic exchange (that I know of) in the Lost fandom at the current time. Don't you want to be a part of that?

* This year is the first time ever (that I know of) that we've had an anonymous fic exchange. What does that mean? It basically means that no one's story will be read with any preconceptions or expectations based on who the writer is. It means we all get to play the guessing game of 'who wrote that fic'? It adds a bit of mystery and intrigue to the exchange!

* I'll tell you a secret: the scope of this year's requests is broader than ever. We've got gen, het, slash, every possible character, combination of characters and type of story. So if you're thinking that the exchange will be weighted in one direction or another, fic-wise, well, it won't. There is room for all requests, regardless of how common or uncommon. (Maybe not as uncommon as Hurley/Shannon genderswap BDSM wing!porn, but you get the idea.)

* All your friends are doing it. Honest, they are!

* You needn't decide if it's better to give or to receive because you get to do both.

So sign up now by leaving a comment to the sign up post. DO IT!! You know you want to!


If you edited your sign-up comment, I may not have made note of the changes. Sorry, but the edits got a little confusing. So if you edited to change a request or add/cut something important, could you please shoot me an email with your edits to: lostsqueemods @ Otherwise, I can't promise that your edit will be taken into account. Thanks!

lost hohoho 2009: mod post

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