Drabble Challenge: Quick Fire Challenge This Sunday

Mar 12, 2009 18:56

Join the Quick Fire Challenge, this Sunday only! The Quick Fire Challenge is a one-hour block of time during which you write as many drabbles as you can. Before we begin, you'll request as many prompts as you think you can complete in one hour, then write like crazy and post all your completed drabbles at the end of the hour.

We'll have one Quick Fire Challenge from noon - 1 pm PST, with prompting from 11:30 - noon-ish.

That's 2:30 for prompting and 3:00 - 4:00 for writing, for those of you on the east coast of the US, or 6:30 and 7:00 - 8:00 GMT.

More detailed instructions will be posted on Sunday morning, but do plan to come by and spend an hour drabbling with us!

I'm open to doing another Quick Fire Challenge, if desired, since we've got people from lots of different time zones and I wouldn't want anyone to be left out who wanted to play. If the above time doesn't work for you, comment with what will. Please use GMT so we're all on the same page.

mod post: lost drabble challenge 09

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