Drabble Challenge Clarifications

Mar 09, 2009 13:56

Hi folks!

Hopefully you're all having fun writing your drabbles by now.

I thought I should clarify a couple of things:

* Some people are getting one word and some are getting two words for prompts. This is as random as the word choices - determined by a coin toss. If you get two words, you should use them both in one drabble.

* If your drabble has a title, it needn't be a part of your word count.

* Once you've posted your drabble, you can come back to this post and comment to get another drabble prompt. You can play as many times as you want.

* You can request prompts until 5:59 pm March 18th, but you can post your drabbles after that time/date.

If anyone has other questions, please feel free to ask here.

mod post: lost drabble challenge 09

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