(no subject)

Jul 23, 2008 08:24

As promised, the first in a huge bunch of ficlets for all the queens who have yet to receive something from me! I hope you all enjoy them, and that if you do decide to punish me, a royal execution would only be fitting...lol.

gottalovev and
inthekeyofd who asked for vacations and Jack/Sawyer, respectively.

It's early, the sun's just coming up on the distant horizon and for the first time in years Jack feels like he might be home. It's odd, to be standing on the sturdy deck, coffee cup in one hand, cigarette in the other, watching the waves lap at the familiar shores.

He'd slept well the night before, and whether it was the constant stir of the ocean, or the hard, warm body lying next to him, it hadn't really mattered.

The first time he'd been here it had seemed like a terrifying vacation that wouldn't end, and yet back in that other place, where everyone knew the person he really wasn't, he always found himself want to come back.

"You're up early..." Sawyer said behind him, his arms sliding over Jack's waist, pulling him back against his warm chest.  Jack nodded, turning his head to brush his lips over Sawyer's, pressing into him.

"Just glad to be back."
isis2015 who asked for Sun, and for today's queen
lenina20 who asked for the 06 to be back on the island

She cries when they find the island and Jin is not among them. But she puts on a brave face as Ji Yeon clings to her legs, watching as they are greeted by familiar faces.

It takes time, as she mourns again for the husband she lost, but its different now, the finality of it is more welcome that overwhelming. They stay with Sawyer because he won't hear otherwise, and Sun knows Jin would have approved somehow.

Sometimes when she watches Ji play with Sawyer on the beach, her head tilted back in a delightful laugh, shrieking when he gathers her in his arms, she thinks that this might be alright. He's good with her, so changed from the man she once knew, and she wonders if she's different as well.

"I wanted to die," she says one night, after Ji's gone to bed and its just her and Sawyer sitting on the beach. "When I saw the boat blow up, I just wanted to fling myself off the helicopter."

"Glad you changed your mind," he says, reaching out to take her hand, holding it loosely in his own. His palm is rough, but warm, and she squeezes it tighter, and she knows its the only answer he needs.
eponine119 who asked for unusual pairings like Jack/Shannon

Three years after returning to Los Angeles he sees her. At first he thinks its his mind playing tricks, she's not the first person he's seen whose not supposed to be there, but when she walks up to him hugs him tight, he knows something else is going on.

"Are you dead?" he asks, as they sit in his office. She's still as tall and lithe as ever, legs that go on for miles.

"Do I look dead?"

He reaches out and let's his palm slide along her cheek, feels warmth against his hand, the steady pulse of her neck against his wrist. "Why are you here?"

She frowns then, and he can't help but laugh, her face is so predictable, and familar. "You mean I can't just want to see you?"

He shrugs, let's his thumb brush over the apple of her cheek, the groove of her dimple, the fullness of her bottom lip. "Just tell me..." he says, but he doesn't give her time to answer, pushing his lips against hers, pulling her face close as they kiss, hot and open mouthed, her tongue snaking along his. She tastes sweet, like mangos and starfruit, but when they part, she's no longer smiling.

"You have to go back," she says, her voice breaking slightly. "He needs you."
thespiansparkle who wanted weddings

It's not exactly the kind of wedding Claire dreamed about, though she'd never been one to really dream about weddings and things of that nature. Her mother had never been the kind of woman to indulge such silly fantasies. She doesn't wear white, only because she doesn't have white, but she finds a pale blue sun dress, and it fits her the best it can. Rose helps with her hair, the soft blonde curls falling around her shoulders, "You look gorgeous, baby girl." Rose says, kissing her cheek.

She thinks about Aaron a lot that day, how she wishes he could be here, to see that she's trying to do right by him, to give him the family she never thought she could. It hurts, but she knows she made the right decision, and deep down, she knows Sawyer is the only person who will ever understand why she did it.

Charlotte marries them in the grove just past the caves, its a spot that holds so many memories for both her and Sawyer. The "I Do's" are short and sweet, and he leans down to kiss her, cupping her small face in his hands. She knows she's made the right decisions, and she knows that one day she will see her son again.

luau 2008: fic

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