
Jun 15, 2005 21:45

So this has been an interesting week. I had to go to the doctor on sunday and get put on meds... i have to take between 16 and 22 pills a day now through next wednesday... thats alot of pills. Cameron isnt coming home till after the 4th of July :( me is sad. I talked to Adrian today after not talking in awhile. Were gonna hang out tomorrow or sometime next week(when we both have days off.) uhhh my dad made a down payment on a truck so my truck will be fully mine within like... a month or 2 at the most YESSS!!!!!!!but yah im gonna get goin... buh byes

A is for age: 16
B is for booze: Smirnoff
C is for career: electrician
D is for dad's name: Bruce
E is for essential items to bring to a party: pot or beer
F is for favorite song at the moment: Papa Roach- Scars
G is for girlfriend: i dont swing that way
H is for hometown: Davison
I is for instruments you play: guitar
J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry
K is for kids: 2 if i have any
L is for living arrangements: here at my house
M is for mom's name: Debbie
N is for name of your best friend(s):best friends? Matt, Cameron, Heather, Jenny
O is for overnight hospital stays: none
P is for phobia[s]: no phobias
Q is for quote you like: Noone sees the pain in your eyes, but believes the smile on your face
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 4 months
S is for sexual position: no comment
T is for time you wake up: prolly round 8
U is for unique trait: my new ear piercing
V is for vegetable you love: umm i dont
W is for worst habit: yelling
X is for x-rays you've had: teeth, ankle
Y is for yummy food you make: mac and cheese, breaded chicken, mash potatoes with corn and bbq ribs
Z is for zodiac sign: Aries

First job: wendys Blah
First screen name: glitter sumtin
First funeral: cant remember
First pet: a wolf
First piercing: ears
First tattoo: faery
First credit card: none.
First kiss: JayJay
First enemy: dont remember
First favorite musician: dunno

Last car ride: coming home from work
Last kiss: ummmm a guy like 2 weeks ago
Last movie watched: taking lives
Last beverage drank: Mt Dew
Last food consumed: burger and fries
Last phone call: Adrian
Last time showered: umm bout 1pm
Last CD played: a mix
Last website visited: yahoo before this one

Single or Taken: single
Sex: female
Birthday: April 12, 1989
Sign: Aries
Siblings: Trisha, Chelsea
Hair color: brown black red
Eye color: change between green blue brown red and hazel
Shoe size: 8-8 1/2
Height: 5'4"

Right now what are you...
Wearing: chevy t-shirt and black shorts
Thinking about: ummm no comment

How do you:
Wear your hair: down or up
Drive: pretty good
Kiss: very good, but can depend on who and what were doing
Make money: wendys blah
Sleep at night : depends on where im sleeping
Vent: to my sis heather, or on here
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