Apr 01, 2009 10:27
I'm going to Long Island College Hospital in Brooklyn for my third year clinical rotations.
We've all been waiting SO long for the news. It's so good to finally know, at long last, after two grueling years on an island, where I'm going. More than anything, it's a relief. I could have been screwed in any number of ways...placement in bad areas of Jersey, California, middle-of-nowhere Florida, and so on. But I got exactly what I wanted, more or less. My top two choices were different, but in the end, they're all Brooklyn hospitals, and they say that they're all comparable in terms of education.
I'm so excited to see college friends again, to move to New York City, and moreover, to move back to civilization! Although the twilight of my Grenada years has cast a softer light on the whole experience, it's getting to be closing time.
It's getting real. It's April first. The days left here are in the low numbers. After this round of midterms, there's only one round of finals left. I need to start looking into shipping things home and tying up loose ends. I need to throw my USMLE studying into high gear or else face imminent stress and asphyxiating time constraints in the summer.
I need to plan what to do after the USMLE is over too! I don't know when I start my clinicals yet, but I have to find an apartment. And I want a vacation of some sort before getting thrown into a whole new life.
If you've followed this journal long enough, then you know I like to parcel out and number my lives based on where I go. Here comes life number four. I know little about it, other than a hospital name and a lot of hard work ahead. But I know this - things are definitely, beyond a shadow of a doubt, taking a hard turn for the better.