Cajun Nights MUSH Anniversary

Nov 10, 2009 14:39


October 31st marked the beginning of the 14th year that Cajun Nights MUSH has been up and running strong. Over those years there have been so many changes, even after the rebuild from the 1993 database. Since 1995 we have moved from TinyMUSH to Rhost and been through countless numbers of players, characters, stories and we continue on strong. MUSHing is far from dead, even up against those MMOs like Everquest and World of Warcraft. People have even been coming back to MUSHes after becoming bored with the point-and-click hack-and-slash worlds lacking really top notch role play.

There are still over one thousand text based games out there, and hundreds of support websites for the MU* Community. For the World of Darkness genre, there are over thirty known games to choose from. Cajun Nights MUSH consistently ranks in the top ten of those games, if not the top five. That is done through the hard work of the volunteers who decide to staff there, dedicating hours upon hours to help the other players tell their characters' stories and weave a very vibrant tapestry into the game-wide story arc.

There is always a need for good people willing to be Storytellers. We are looking forward to embarking on yet another great year of role play and moving our game yet further into the future of the World of Darkness based in New Orleans, Louisiana. We are looking for people who are team players, willing to work with others as staff or as players, follow the game policies and procedures, and are able to help tell those stories. They must possess the ability to not play favorites, and understand the rules that are written by White Wolf (tm) for their original World of Darkness 2nd Edition lines that are active in the game.

If you are interested in applying for a staff position, or coming back to play a character again, please do visit us. +staff/all will list the open positions available, and from the main room, typing 'concepts' will give you the current open slots for the different parts of the game we have available to you.

The time is now to bring Cajun Nights MUSH back to the forefront of MU* and lead the way to another run of great storytelling.

Cajun Nights MUSH:

telnet: 7373
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