May 11, 2007 22:01
My buisness team and I have been working on a business idea which I really do think would be a profitable business, however - it has a tremendous startup cost associated with it. The bad thing is that with traditional investment and the few years it would take to develop our product, the payments back to our investors might completely cripple the company's ability to grow. I am sure I am being short sighted and a little silly about that, but that is the way things seem. We keep talking about this buiness like we are actually gunna do it, however right now I feel like there is no way it will ever happen.
It seems like it is more common than not for soon to be graduates to freak out about their futures. Well, in that sense I am common. I am totally freaking. I really dislike not knowing where I should go next, and even more so - what the hell I want to do with my life. I know I don't want to have a job like I did have, but I haven't found anything yet that I really have a burning desire to do. Without that driving passion I don't really feel that I should try and elbow my way into the entertainment world.
Confused, stressed, and wishing at least some path would light up in my heart - even if it is one less traveled.
Oh, and FL is still on fire.